When You Feel Down Or Lost Poem by David Thomas

When You Feel Down Or Lost

There are times when I feel lost and I just want to concede this battle
that others call life,
when the clouds above my heavy-hung head are too deep
and the sun's beautiful warmth and light
are only so ever out of reach,
Times when the light of day means chaos in my soul
and the solace of moonlight births my pure intention-
to shine brighter than I have ever shone before,
but without the heavy dark grey clouds looming
over my every thought and action,
Times when the darkness is my soul is tenfold the shadowless, moonless
nights when I walked alone in the city,
I cannot give you such encouragement when I myself am victim
but I hope you know not once have I given up
not ONCE have I ever said


Because I believe.
I believe that to reach that light beyond the clouds
I must create much a storm in my heart,
to create my own clouds
to overrun the skies of grey darkness and indifference
to break the rule of this depressional nepotism,
to show myself first; that I am worthy the warmth of this sun I crave so much
There are times when I push so hard that life itself gives way
and I have created the path you see behind me,
and I have walked in the shadows where that path is obscured,
Never once in my travels have I stood still defeated
there is no immovable object in my way
only the many challenges of carving my own path
and creating the future I want to live in for myself,

So when you feel down and beaten defeated, and you want to concede it
remember this.

There is no darkness without the light,
they cannot be without the other
Just as there are seemingly endless dark clouds above your head and in front of your eyes
behind and above them is the most glorious light
and a warmth so full and vibrant you will never stray from it again,
and that warmth is only obtainable when you truly defeat your nightmares
and become the you that you were born to be,
unleash yourself completely and defeat the darkness
with love, compassion, empathy, and a beautiful unbroken smile on your face.
Victory at last.

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