Women, On Those Days! Poem by Leonard McGee

Women, On Those Days!

Every man needs a day once in a while
to mourn his dead hopes, those days
to check the status of unanswered prayers,
to realign his expectations, to take a good
look in the mirror to face his mistakes
and accept the blame to complete
a routine reality check

Every man has a limit, and need those
days to find the strength to lift the
weight of his world, make room for
new burdens, acknowledge his
failures to let go of dreams that
will never come true

On those days he shouldn’t have
to help you locate your peace of mind,
ease your nerves, disperse your uncertainties,
to find the words to communicate to you
how he feels, because he doesn’t know
how he feels, and frankly on those
days he doesn’t care, he can’t think,
and nothing matters, especially not you

So please, please, please for once those
days don’t remind him why men lie so
much, don’t try to psycho analyze him,
don’t twist his words until the screaming
match begins, just don’t Dr. Phil him,
he doesn’t want to see the puppy dog eyes,
hear the passionate mumbles, or feel the
cold shoulder of passive aggression

The truth is no matter what you do, there
will be those days he can’t stand you,
those days you make him sick to his stomach,
and those days when POW Right in the Kisser
sounds good to him, and none of it is about you,
he just need his space on those days

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