Zz Kissinger's Shadow Poem by Saiom Shriver

Zz Kissinger's Shadow

Henry Kissinger became US Secretary of State though never elected to public office of any kind. He never answered to any electorate.

Greg Grandin's newest book is Kissinger's Shadow, a litany of Henry Kissinger's active legacy as seen in the current wars of the United States.

Christopher Hitchens' book is The Trial Of Henry Kissinger.

When CodePink recently organized demonstraters to speak up as Kissinger testified at congressional hearings chaired by John McCain, the courageous ones recited some of the atrocities orchestrated by Kissinger., to whicm McCain colorfully responded 'Get out you lowlife scumbags.' Each Kissinger scholar has his own list.

1. The illegal bombing of Cambodia.. adding numbers to the American soldier deaths and to what would become 4 million deaths in the Vietnam War he helped Nixon wage. Since the war's end,25,000 adults and children have died from US landmines, along with countless animals, birds etc.

2. The murder of the democratically elected Salvatore Alliende of Chile was orchestrated by Kissinger while an National Security Council adviser. A few days after the campaign, Kissinger became Secretary of State.

3. Kissinger, according to his own papers, supervised the creation of S American death squads responsible for thousands of deaths.

4. The encouraging of Sukarno in Indonesia to invade E Timor. The result was millions dead.

5. While Nelson Rockefeller was alive, Kissinger worked to protect Rockefeller capital around the world. He was also instrumental in trying to make Rockefeller president, Kissinger helped coordinate the campaign against Spiro Agnew first. After Nixon's vicepresident resigned, Kissinger with Mark Felt (Deep Throat) (2nd in command at the FBI) arranged the Watergate fiasco of which Nixon was not aware until it was too late. He was involved in the murder of William Sullivan,3rd in command at the FBI, who on Nixon's behalf was investigating Kissinger. Finally, there was the attempt on Gerald Ford's life by Squeaky Fromme, who like her boss Charles Manson, was a CIA operative.2 of 3 of the obstacles to Rockefeller's presidency were removed.

6. The establishment of Petro dollars.

7. The continued arming of the Shah of Iran with his torturing Savak secret police. (see also Number 19)

8. The enabling of the torture of socialists, the repression of women by the Saudis.

9. The failure to recognize Palestine as a state.

10. Encouraging Pakistani militants to go into Afghanistan. Kissinger in general sided with Pakistan in its disagreements with India.

11. Opening the door to outsourcing dollars and jobs to China.

12. Kissinger Associates profiteer from capitalist fraud.

13. Kissinger Papers reveal that he encouraged Turkey to invade Cyprus.

14. From The Nation magazine:
'Kissinger goaded Nixon to place illegal wiretaps on close friends, associates, journalists, government officials, including his own NSC aide Morton Halperin)

15. In Jamaica, Kissinger opposed Jamaica's right under the leadership of its prime minister Michael Manley to nationalize the bauxite industry

16. Kissinger algined with the repressive apartheid regime of South Africa, not with Meandela and the people of South Africa.

17. 'Kissinger supported an agreement that would end Kurdish autonomy in Iraq.' Source: Kurdistantribune.com
http: //kurdistantribune.com/2013/henry-kissinger-realpolitik-genocide/

18. In Argentina, writes The Guardian 'Henry Kissinger gave his approval to the 'dirty war' in Argentina in the 1970s in which up to 30,000 people were killed, according to newly declassified US state department documents. Mr Kissinger, who was America's secretary of state, is shown to have urged the Argentinian military regime to act before the US Congress resumed session, and told it that Washington would not cause it 'unnecessary difficulties'.

19 In The Iran-Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era The Iran-Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era by Marshall, Scott, and Hunter is written:
'Kissinger supported the oil price hike at the expense of world consumers as a clever means of financing the Iranian Shah's weapons purchases.'

20. In 1957 Kissinger in the book Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy promoted the use of tactical nuclear weapons in war. It is believed by many that the movie Dr Strangelove was a spoof of his warmongering.

21. At a Georgetown reception, an animal rights worker wearing a Love Animals Don't Eat Them tshirt thanked him for declining to hunt and asked about applying that philosophy to all animals. He replied 'I get the point. I just don't want to think about it.' A few weeks later he had a quintuple bypass. He was also asked at the University of Akron about his support of a Chinese plan to double their egg production and estimates that theat would take the grain of 18 nations. He declined to answer.

That 2 bombers, Kissinger and Obama, should win the Nobel Peace Prize cheapens considerably its status.

Zz Kissinger's Shadow
https: //books.google.com/books? id=ZdPTT8SAzRoC&pg=PA46&lpg=PA46&dq=kissinger+and+iran+contra&source=bl&ots=QQNDgUXRld&sig=d6lOecQXIYLtIyEHMOUOfi8W6MQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CEoQ6AEwB2oVChMI4PvoioXcxwIViB4eCh3UlQBo#v=onepage&q=kissinger&f=false

Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
https: //books.google.com/books? id=-IbQvd13uToC&pg=PA263&lpg=PA263&dq=kissinger+and+jamaica&source=bl&ots=cIu4HbymdD&sig=NkJPCTXsaaKdrCkhlJFuMmrF4_Y&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAGoVChMI-L-G-f3bxwIVQfeACh0CawAH#v=onepage&q=kissinger%20and%20jamaica&f=false

Note: To be added: Kissinger's crimes in Bolivia, Mozambique, Greece, Uruguay

The betrayal of India by Kissinger and Nixon

http: //www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/09/23/unholy-alliances-3

Kissinger Cables are available on Wikileaks. Julian Assange's press conference

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=Hu28z8eEyZU

A report on death squads and other aspects of the Kissinger Cables

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=2-ncmOa2MlU

A review of Chrstopher Hitchens' book The Trial of Henry Kissinger

http: //www.spectacle.org/0501/kissinger.html

Kissinger: 'The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little bit longer.'

http: //www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Kissinger/Kissingers_Crimes.html

Kissinger in S Africa

http: //www.thecrimson.com/article/1976/10/1/kissinger-in-southern-africa-pbubntil-the/

Kissinger and wiretaps

http: //www.thenation.com/article/who-said-it-henry-kissinger-or/

Kissinger and Operation Condor death squads

https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor#Henry_Kissinger

Is Kissinger a war criminal? Transcript of Democracy Now's guest Greg Grandin

Betrayal of Kurds by Kissinger

http: //kurdistantribune.com/2013/henry-kissinger-realpolitik-genocide/

30,000 deaths in Argentina

http: //www.theguardian.com/world/2003/dec/06/argentina.usa

Kissinger in Jamaica

The book: Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II
https: //books.google.com/books? id=-IbQvd13uToC&pg=PA263&lpg=PA263&dq=kissinger+and+jamaica&source=bl&ots=cIu4HbymdD&sig=NkJPCTXsaaKdrCkhlJFuMmrF4_Y&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAGoVChMI-L-G-f3bxwIVQfeACh0CawAH#v=onepage&q=kissinger%20and%20jamaica&f=false

https: //eslkevin.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/list-of-kissinger-war-crimes

http: //www.globalresearch.ca/crimes-against-humanity-why-is-henry-kissinger-walking-around-free/5358322

http: //img.theepochtimes.com/n3/eet-content/uploads/2014/11/04/20141104-henry-kissinger-berlin-wall-anniversary-petrsvab-2169-676x450.jpg
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