Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Bones Will Deliver

With bones in hand,
One needs fear no dogs.
With money in purse,
One needs fear no laws.

Love Meets Both Ends

To love and to be loved is nourishing.
Love you get and love you give comforts you.
Love benefits the giver and the taker.
Love across the gender is unequal.

Is Adultery A Crime?

Do away with the adultery
As a criminal offence, men,
When it is purely consensual,
With her modesty not outraged.


We buy into the person
Before we buy into his idea.
It is applicable to all
Whom we accept or reject as our men

Common Cause Binds

Who sees the sorrow behind the smile,
The affection behind the anger
And the reasons behind the silence
Can be your mother, spouse and kids.

Frienships Are Short Lived

A prey cannot stay with a predator.
A predator cannot stand by a prey.
Friends soon find themselves as prey and predator,
Which is why friendship is often short lived.

Mouths Play Their Parts.

Mouth to mouth kiss between man and woman
Is the most passionate of all kisses.
It employs thirty four facial muscles
And a hundred and twelve postural ones.

Vacuum And The Field

Electrons, the elementary particles,
Are identical all over the earth.
The amount of the mass and electronic change
Are all same in the natural or otherwise.

Identity Politics

Democracy helps identity politics.
The Congress had played minorities card.
BJP is playing the Hindutva card..
Minority appeasement for minority votes;

Gray Cells Rust

You lose the organ that you don't use.
You lose the gray cells when not used.
Calculator come into force,
Counting ability is lost.

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