Rosie Bourget

Rosie Bourget Poems

Remember the time
We met for the first time
We were in our teens,
Probably nineteen!


Sometimes in life
Sooner or later
We can be sad and bitter
To our surroundings

I wish I had a mother
To enjoy life together
to look out for my best interest
To help me celebrate my success



The mountain land
That resists powerful winds

Cancer is just an obstacle
Like any other terminal illness
No one is exempted from it
It kills men, women, and children

By Rosie Bourget

Most black women know love
That’s why they give love

To my Granddaughter Santanna Nia Stallings

What a precious pearl!

It's amazing how you have grown
From a talkative, pretty little girl
Into a beautiful, intelligent, caring,
Respectful and hardworking young woman.

In our hearts, we are no different in color
Come to me when the sky changes color
We live for each other
I'm glad you are my significant other

When earthquakes strike
Mother Nature speaks
It's not what we like
But we must not freak

Feelings of fear
You grab a beer

You say to Smear

Oppression, castration
Beating, rape and subjugation
Slavery is a horrible memory
An ugly page in our history

The book of marriage has many chapters.
Even though some of them are difficult,
They can be easy to understand
It depends on how you read them.

When I think of those who are sleeping in the street,
how could my Thanksgiving be sweet!

When I look at my brothers and sisters, who have nothing to eat,

Dedicated to my daughter Sabine

You came into my life one day
and since that day

Writing a poem about my feelings
Is a good way to bring to myself healing
I try to look forward
But my mind goes back

Cherish your family each and every day
Life is unbelievably unpredictable
Enjoy the people in your life,
Invest in forgiveness

Success is the power to suppress
Just thinking of success
Makes me restless!

True beauty comes, of course, of character
Not through how the eyebrows are shaped
So many people that I'm told are beautiful
Due to the way they look, like a fool!

When Nancy is misbehaving
You take her to the parking
And give her a good whipping
To make sure she is listening.

Rosie Bourget Biography

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rosie Bourget was born and raised in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. As a child, she disliked writing. Nevertheless, life took a turn and writing unexpectedly became her oasis after her daughter was involved in a deadly car accident on a major US highway. The possibility of her losing her daughter a month before her high school graduation in 2007 caused her a lot of frustration and pain and she looked upon writing has her source of relief. “A Rose In Full Bloom” is the poet’s second release but is far from being a trial run for her poetry. The great-granddaughter of the French writer, poet and novelist Paul Bourget, Nobel Prize for Literature, member of the French Academy and decorated Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor Academy, seems to carry the legacy of her great-grandfather. Paul Bourget was also the author of " Crime of Love" , " The Devil at Noon" and other bestselling novels, essays and poetry of high intensity. Rosie attended grammar and high school in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She graduated cum laude from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in 2009, with a bachelor’s degree in Social Work. She received her master’s with honors in the same field from Barry University. Strong character but deeply sentimental, Rosie is a maniac of principles in the art of doing well. Her poems reflect her penchant for the quest of a better world. Her poems are her melancholy, her cries of bitterness, her tears and also her weaknesses. After a brief stint as an outpatient therapist at the Chrysalis Mental Health, Rosie became a writer for The Weekly Politico-Cultural “Haiti Observateur”, a Haitian Newspaper. She produces her own section called “Personal Development, " a kind of commentary that students can use as a reference in preparing their thesis output. She later became a contributing writer for Additionally, she has written articles for Perspective Magazine and other publications as well. With " A Rose In Full Bloom, " Rosie Bourget enters the main gate of immortality. She gives us through her poems and love songs her " little secrets" with a rare delicacy. The themes presented are simple, but yet controversial since Rosie does not mince words when it comes to describing a scene or telling its reality. Rosie has two children, Sabine and Sarah. She uses writing not to impress others, however to express her emotions and feelings. With so many poems dealing with a spicy flavor theme, Rosie Bourget made a dramatic entry into the field of “belles lettres” and claims her place among the nobles. Besides writing, Rosie is fluent in French, English and Haitian Creole, and her future collections in these two languages are in progress. The author of “A Rose In Full Bloom” will indeed prove that the noble French writer Paul Bourget would have shorted the cycle of reincarnation through his great granddaughter, Rosie. Marilyn Guirand, M.Ed.)

The Best Poem Of Rosie Bourget

The First Time

Remember the time
We met for the first time
We were in our teens,
Probably nineteen!

Our feelings were divine
Said my sister Nadine
Then, a horrid accident happened
Which cut you open!

Left you dying-to-dead
And made me sick in my head
But now after a few years,
It seems like I'm still in tears!

There is not a second that goes by
I don't feel you passing by
That I don't think about you,
Wish to be close to you!

Whispering sweet words
These simple but truthful words,
In your so lovely ears,
Wrapped them within weary tears!

It's hard for me to forget you
or I just don't know how to live without you
Should I pretend that we never met?
So my eyes can stop getting wet?

If darkness could vanish,
I would say it's finished
Because inner and outer
I am still feeling your laugh!


Rosie Bourget Comments

Rosie Bourget 09 December 2017

Thanks a million Hebert!

0 0 Reply
Hebert Logerie Sr. 05 December 2017

Please do not discourage about anything. Life is not easy. Keep on writing.

1 0 Reply

Rosie Bourget Quotes

'The school of life is not really about having college degrees and preparing you for the job market. It's about gaining the knowledge and skills you need to seize opportunities and that includes knowing when to walk away from things that make you unhappy." ~Rosie Bourget~

"I measure my success not through what I have accomplished in life but by the obstacles which I have overcome." ~Rosie Bourget~

« Dans ce monde tout est communication. S'ouvrir aux autres vous permet de découvrir une autre conception de l'univers dont vous ignoriez même l'existence. » ~Rosie Bourget~

«À force d'être trop ancré dans le faux il est parfois difficile de distinguer le bon grain de l'ivraie.» ~Rosie Bourget~

«Vous n'êtes pas obligé d'être du même avis que votre interlocuteur, mais savoir l'écouter est une preuve d'attention et de gentillesse. » Rosie Bourget

'Qu'il s'agisse d'un conflit ou d'une entente, le partage des opinions est indispensable pour se connaître, s'apprécier, mais surtout avancer.' Rosie Bourget

'Love one another and you will be happy, it's as simple as that. Showing love and kindness does not mean looking for friendship or relationship.' Rosie Bourget

« Arrêtez de manipuler vos semblables pour les mener dans une situation qu‘ils ne souhaitent pas. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

« Évitez de porter des jugements de valeurs, faites en sorte que les autres se sentent à l'aise en votre compagnie. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

« Personne n'a la science infuse, soyez toujours disposé à accepter les idées et les pensées des autres sans pour autant les rabaisser. » Rosie Bourget~

« Il ne faut jamais regretter d'avoir allégé le fardeau des accablés, d'avoir encouragé les désespérés. » ~ Rosie Bourget ~

« La sagesse nous enseigne à devenir conscients de la réalité des êtres qui nous entourent avec ce qui nous plaît et ce qui nous déplaît en eux. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

'Every Day is a celebration. Don't forget to take some time to celebrate life's simple pleasures today and every day.' Rosie Bourget

"If you want things to change, you have to change first." Rosie Bourget

"In fact, we sometimes play the blame game and believe that someone else needs to change. Rather than fall into that trap, figure out how you can be a better partner and do your best to improve a situation." Rosie Bourget

« Le peu de temps que vous avez consacré pour montrer le chemin à un aveugle est perdu, le petit effort que vous avez fait pour répandre le soleil sur les jours sombres d'un suicidaire est inaperçu, mais chaque service que vous rendez dans votre univers, vous rendez service à vous-même. » ~ Rosie Bourget ~

« Chaque problème à sa solution. Renoncez à vous apitoyer sur vous-même et habituez-vous à être reconnaissant pour ce que la vie vous offre. » ~ Rosie Bourget ~

« En mettant de côté notre égo nous pouvons contribuer de façon significative au bonheur et à l'épanouissement de ceux qui nous entourent, à la seule condition que ce soit aussi leur volonté. » ~ Rosie Bourget ~

« Adoptez une attitude positive. Les pensées négatives ont un effet désastreux sur les autres. En plus de vous rendre sombre et triste, elles peuvent transformer une activité festive en une veillée funèbre. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

« Soyez authentique, détrompez-vous, partagez vos passions avec votre entourage, osez montrer vos limites et vos faiblesses. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

« Sans amitié, sans amour ou tendresse que vaudrait la vie? » ~Rosie Bourget~

« En chaque personne se cache un être unique. » ~ Rosie Bourget. »

« N'avez-vous pas l'impression d'être quelqu'un de privilégié? Alors investissez dans votre potentiel. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

« Même lorsque personne ne vous apprécie ne pensez pas que vous êtes sans aucune importance » ~Rosie Bourget~

«Évitez de gâcher des relations qui pourraient vous rendre heureux. Soyez acteur/actrice de votre vie et non esclave de vos sentiments.» ~Rosie Bourget~

«Qu'il s'agisse d'un conflit ou d'une entente, le partage des opinions est indispensable pour se connaître, s'apprécier, mais surtout avancer.» Rosie Bourget

«Tout échange à propos d'un point commun peut nous rapprocher l'un de l'autre.» ~Rosie Bourget~

«Si nous voyons la vie d'un mauvais œil c'est à cause de l'orgueil qui souvent nous conduit à un deuil. Si nous gardons en permanence le silence quand les gens nous blessent ce n'est pas la conséquence de notre ignorance c'est plutôt à cause de notre faiblesse.» ~Rosie Bourget~

« Un compliment sincère renforce l'estime de soi de celui qui le reçoit. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

« En tant que passager de la terre, apporter aux autres un peu de joie de vivre fait partie de votre mission. » ~ Rosie Bourget~

"Self-motivation requires enthusiasm, a positive outlook, a positive physiology, and a belief in yourself and your God-given potential." Rosie Bourget

"So many of us smile just to make others believe that everything is all right, while crying inside." Rosie Bourget

"It is insane to think that you can change people. Unfortunately, you cannot change anyone else, not even your own children, you can only change yourself." Rosie Bourget

"You are unique in your own way. Never lower your standards to associate yourself with individuals who do not value your potential." Rosie Bourget

"You and I can look at each other across the street and know what the other is thinking. When you smile, I on the other hand laugh and cry at the same time." Rosie Bourget

"I understand that everything is about common sense. However, if sense were so common everybody would have it. "Rosie Bourget

"Ever since I got rid of the poisonous snakes that I was surrounded by, I glow like a "Rose" In Full Bloom." Rosie Bourget

"If we keep on looking behind we will forever remain behind." Rosie Bourget

"Life is not sold on department stores' display; it is a gift to be used every day. Get out and live it each hour of the day, Wear it and use it as much as you may." Rosie Bourget

"It's so hard to deal with hypocrites and traders that the virtual world put on our way." Rosie Bourget

«La jalousie et la haine sont votre pires ennemis, elles vous tiennent à longueur de journée, vous suivent partout, à toute heure et en tout lieu.» Rosie Bourget

«On n'a pas le contrôle de la mesure de l'amour même lorsqu'on doit aimer sans mesure. Une histoire débutée par exemple, en ayant pour perspective l'amusement peut devenir en un rien de temps une véritable histoire d'amour qui dure toute la vie.» ~Rosie Bourget

«Si vous voulez rester en paix avec vous-même, ne dites jamais du mal d'une personne dans le but d'assassiner son caractère. Ne portez pas atteinte à sa vie parce que vous êtes jaloux de sa réussite car elle n'est pas responsable de votre échec.» ~Rosie Bourget~

"Every day is a celebration. Don't forget to take some time to celebrate life's simple pleasures, today and every day." Rosie Bourget

'Every moment of life is a learning experience.' Rosie Bourget

« La critique ne tue pas ce qui doit vivre, l'éloge ne fait pas vivre ce qui doit mourir » Rosie Bourget~

'Today is a beautiful day. Let's bring joy to the people we care about, including those who make a significant difference in our lives; and use kind words to encourage them to keep the flame burning.' ~Rosie Bourget~

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