Sierra Staten Poems

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I Am Much Like A Pinball Machine

I am much like a pinball machine.
I have been dropped on this strange planet and knocked all over the place.
I have no place to call my own, I roam -sometimes for hours on end.
Yet I have only one goal in mind, to not perish, to not break down,


All she saw were her flaws.
The ones that were endlessly flaunting themselves around
The ones that everybody looked at instead of her.

The mirror magnified her flaws, making her insecure.

Their Voices Won'T Leave Me Alone

I'm never alone.
I wish I were, But the voices of my bullies chant in my head,
Even when they aren't here, they're still here -
Still here victimizing me, terrorizing me to the point that I feel the need to hide in the darkness.

Continue Anyway

I don't mean to be weird
Or go somewhere I don't belong,
But you caught my eye.
So I'll talk to you anyway.

Love Is An Opportunity For Failure

I hurt as I watch you go.
Knowing that it was my decision -
I loved you so much I had to let you go.
There was no other way.

I Am Society

When is it too soon to love somebody?
When you're sure you love them,
How can society tell you its too soon?
How can society control your actions?

Secret Revealed

Consider today the day I reveal
Every thought, emotion and word that I feel
We'll begin to dissect everything that I sealed
I promise you now that I will not repeal.

Her Nature Ways

The city is off in the distance, with its murmuring cars and neon lights-
Oh how they are missing the falls true colors.
They adore the smallest of Her beauty,
But I shall not complain.

The Door To Reality

You came knocking on my door.
The door to reality.
The door that often gets jammed, trapping me inside for periods of time.
I open the door; trembling.

Eyes Of The Strong

I'm fading, fading fast.
Only one thing crosses my mind as I near death -you.
Knowing you are so much stronger than I,
Knowing you survived much bigger problems than I could face;

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