Vidi Writes Poems

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I can recall that first prayer I made
I learnt it from my father indeed.
For me its was uttering 3 stanza
In front of the statues plaza.

Saying Sorry …

Saying Sorry …

‘Sorry’ is used apologetically
Apology is the admission of guilt

Terminal Bleed?

Cradle swings, in its own motion
Graveyard wind seems to have its spell.
Killings instincts, disgusted look
Pierce the heart accurately, derisive at sword.

A Man For All Reasons

He who caused a break on religious authority
Through his draft emerged an Empire, mighty
Trusted ally of Emperor exerted singularity.

A Human Touch

I am the best to you
When you are good to me.
I am the worst to you
When you are bad to me.

Small Things

You get up in the morning
Still sit in the bed with a mood, grieving
Not had enough sleep, still yawning
Reasons are many …

Don’t Be An Uprooted Tree

Seed is sown and the embryo is formed
Legitimate or not, radicle develops into root
Root penetrates into the surface of the soil
Absorbs water and food, turns seed into plant

Aching Heart - A Wealth

Not being loved
Other hand, Love betrays.
Disgust for lust
Suicidal Hearts.

A Game Between Two

Standing beside the window of my room
I was watching the scene on the roadside
It’s the time where I get the grass to eat
It’s my observation that clings on the beat.

A Long Walk

A Long Walk

I have carried this wish since my childhood that
I should have an adoring pal to hold my hand

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