Will Gibbs

Will Gibbs Poems

Her lips, made more to kiss
Than to cry bitterly for pain

Certainties and their certainty decays,

In the Duke’s hall, we sat opposed
Myself in Navy, her in moave
Our wires became crossed
Within our minds we became lost

Crowned with an envious wreath of foliage
Our humble tree is not all it seems
We see them as living but devoid of feeling
I have seen their faces, heard their screams


This tactful hide I clutch so fearful
Within this body, pure emotion
The leaves have witnessed all so much
Greed, hatred, temptation, joy

Most amazing thing:
It silences the most garrulous
It gives conversation to the silent
It forces the anchorites to congregate

To be yourself without a mention,
To lose yourself ‘gainst best intention.
I lost myself amidst desires,
To throw myself upon these fires.

You know the place, this face u knew.
The name is lost, the mind is torn.
A familiar feature, a touch of gold,
A light that glints off looks of old.

To make the most amongst the worst
To be the best with all the least.
To be yourself a lie retold.
The truth a secret held down cold.

TACTILE map, raw flint and mortar,
Face torn and tugged by devoted tides
Of endless rain and vicious blows,
Rote this face to scars and frowns.

Will Gibbs Biography

“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen” “Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotion know what it means to want to escape from these” “A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness.” “There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the other is to read Pope” WILDE)

The Best Poem Of Will Gibbs

Prelude To A Kiss

Her lips, made more to kiss
Than to cry bitterly for pain

Certainties and their certainty decays,
Withering carcasses, devoid of spine
Actions and feeling fluctuate:
Monday, merely temptations and desires,
Tuesday, imperatives and needs

Most fearful of my tongue,
What he will say and poison;
Undermining all the culminating falseness,
Undermining all the meticulous preparation,
Undermining all the staged misunderstanding.

Spending hours of mindless hours,
Fumbling around in the mental pitch,
For the person whom I feel no love,
I find my self confounded so.

This person, who I try to smother desire for,
Drowning al want for unified future
But this person, whom I should feel no love
The indiscriminate and sightless love peers on
I, like the sheep, drawn to the lady I shouldn’t
Like the convict to the fated gaol

Grey becomes black
Taste becomes bitter
Light becomes blinding
Feelings want to become real

Analysis and questioning fills,
Every void and space within.
But the more I seem to search for reason
The more reason disappears.
Locating hidden inferences,
That never once existed
I, now drunk on pleasurable lies

All this for such as simple,
Unrefined, yet perfect pleasure
The cliché of perfection,
The glistening crispness of sliding lips,
The vacuous clicking of saliva sticking

The kiss proves nothing,
Nothing, but the vital proof.
The test, the evidence,
Of ability and competence,
The test of future,
The competence of pleasure.

A kiss, that is all
That is all I ask,

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