RoseAnn V. Shawiak Answers Poems

No Answers To Love

Liking this feeling of love as I fall into step with
the beating of my heart.

Snapping fingers of my mind in time to rhythms being

Finding No Answers

Traveling highways with empty hearts, carrying feelings in cartons of styrofoam, so as not to defile them.
Turning interiorly, looking closely at who I am, and where I'm going, finding no answers as yet, and hope continues to stay alive for the time being.

Answers Of Life Puzzles

Stepping up stairways into alcoves of somewhere beyond,
lifting our minds into aspects of other dimensions.

Taking apart minute particles of curiosity, allowing

Answers Needed

Having no place to go when alone, forsaken and abandoned
except within self.

There are all the answers needed, just waiting for each

Grasping Answers

Wondering about riddles and their syncopetic rhythms,
wandering through my mind, wanting to grasp answers
just out of sight.

Garbled Answers

Garbled answers attempting to make themselves heard through centuries of questions.
Rhetoric betraying past fissures in plates of armor, are now fastened to a picturesque nature, as life flows downhill forever towards oceans of life's lessons.

Poetical Answers

Asking questions, wanting to place answers in poems so I may read and understand everything I can in life.
Constructing new venues to think among and steering myself into volumes of music.

Ungiven Answers

Eluding Answers

Guessing, creating new meanings for ourselves every
day as we elude any answers soaring through our
atmospheres interiorly.

Blossoming Answers

Wanting many things, all of them little - important to my being.
Sequestering myself, going over them in my mind, causing reflections
to mirror them back, allowing me to expand and convert them from
abstracts into messages of reality.

Hiding Answers

Kind guesses fill the page with their presence, hiding answers quietly in the span of writing while rhythm is being sung in words.
Talking to me in backs of my mind without appearing on screens of picturesque views, showing the environment as a mural in flight.

Finding Answers In Mirrors Of Reflection

Lifting eyes to heaven, praying spiritually for guidance
and a deeper hope to hold onto throughout this earthly

Wanting Answers

Totally living fully, every single moment, morally and
ethically throughout this life, finding and exploring
everything that I can.

No Answers

Sounds of voices coming from beyond window panes full of
reflections of passers-by.

Nothing staying long in mind, always being placed on

Single Answers

Reaching forward, taking plenty of slack so as not to
choke ourselves on the stingy side of selfishness.

Tearing into appetites of tomorrow, preparing to find

Final Answers

Extraordinary access to intellect, watching, discovering,
exploring an interior universe.

Finding impossibilities filling me with answers readily

Seeing Answers

Full and tender, set into a living grave awaiting
the world's awakening with the morning sun.

Watching carefully, seizing questions from recesses

Answers Curiosity Allows

Forging into the future, seeing into an atmosphere light
years ahead of time, placing self in the center of it's
mathematical sequences.

There Are No Answers In Flight

Staring into space, seeking answers through intellect,
hoping to put to rest theories that have been around
sometimes for centuries.

Looking For Unknown Answers

Silently sitting, writing, exercising brain, mind and
intellect, looking for unknown answers of life that
are hidden somewhere inside subconsciousness.

Finding Answers In Depths Of Music

Looking into the maze of life here on earth, realizing it's also
a puzzle that needs to be put together one piece at a time, going
through many experiences that must be lived and learned from each

Creative Answers

Moving steadily through life, surmounting difficulties along
the way, always finding solutions, usually outside the box,
because mind and intellect come up with creative answers and
ways of doing things.

Answers To Prayers

Angels criss-crossing the sky, protecting and saving good,
decent people here on earth, helping many with love of God
shining from their souls, always in God's presence.

Invisible Answers In Twilight

Evening sky of darkness mystically enticing mind and intellect,
giving food for thought, looking for invisible answers in the

Looking For Answers We Cannot Fathom

Living at times becomes unbearable, testing our resolve,
challenging our patience and causing us to wish for things
we ordinarily wound never ask for.

Demanding Answers

Turmoil of life exists only because we are human and
it seems we're not happy unless we are creating it
for ourselves to tend to.

Quest For Answers

Trickling down into my mind, a quest for answers to the
meaning of life anchors itself delicately to imagination.
Unfortunately all thoughts conquer consciousness and leave
it stranded and alone in far corners of earth.

Seeking Answers To Mankind's Puzzles

Racing into the staccato beats of my mind as I travel
inner highways of poetry, looking for rhythms that will
continue to fulfill my purpose on earth.

Looking For Answers

Thinking constantly about reasons for living, be-
cause so much in this world is experienced through
grief, suffering, loneliness and abandonment.

Answers Of Possibility

Tripping along pathways alone, looking to nature for
answers of possibility in life.

A vast wide open space filled with a mystical spirit-

Unanswerable Answers

Strolling into forests of imagination, seeing past memories
spark illumination of new thoughts being written right now.

Allowing for predispositions and pathways into discovery,

Giving Answers

Today holds a lonesome being within, lost and forsaken,
not looking for sympathy or companionship, preferring to
be alone and writing poetry.

Seeking Answers

Taking Answers Into The Open

Nature surrounding me all the time as I hang out in the great outdoors.
Having an extra-sensory overload at times, easing the overflow into poetry, containing it for a while in peace.

In Search Of Invisible Answers

Curiosity, like a cat curled up, waiting to entertain innermost feelings and all their questions as life turns about in search of answers that at times are invisible.

Standing before another, hoping that one day they will be together come the light of day or not, cuddling with endear-
ing words of yours as you whisper them in ears of tomorrow.

Searching For Answers

People tied up in knots, not able to separate themselves from emotional turmoil, feeling it's intense pervasive odor, filtering into lives, sparsely holding onto so very little.
Beginning to move into circles that are never-ending, causing such upheaval that there is no room for pleasurable thoughts or events.
Glancing around, watching others traipse through their lives without any problems, wondering why it can't be them.
Searching for answers that just aren't available and maybe never will be.

Searching Through Answers

Accepting our fates we live our lives as if they were meant to
be as they are, yet we find that's not the case as we try to do
things we want or care about.

Depths Of Questioning Answers

Properties of intellectual pursuits fall into categories
left through interior rhythms.

Subjected to infinite episodes of liberty and freedom,

Needing The Answers

Striving to put together pieces of life with the reality
of imagination, solace and serenity solving answers that
are needed to complete the cycle of this life.

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