Bijay Kant Dubey Birds Poems

The flowers will burst forth,
The birds will tweet,
The golden rays of the sun will dance,
The moon will shine over,

On Your Birthday, How Many Birds Did You Make Them Fly Away?

On your birthday, how many birds,
Did you make them fly away
On your birthday,
As haven't you heard the song,

While working on birds, beasts and flowers,
One carry it forward from Toru to modern times,
From Wordsworth to Lawrence
To Hughes and Larkin.

Fettered Birds By Bijay Kant Dubey

Human heart full of feeling and emotion
Is the source of his inspiration,
Beauty is truth, truth beauty
And the poet as a lover of beauty,

A Singer Of The Blue Sky, The Birds Flying (For Bob Dylan)

A singer of the blue sky,
The birds flying,
The winds blowing,
Leaves fluttering.

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