Edgar Albert Guest Dream Poems

The Workman's Dream

To-day it's dirt and dust and steam,
To-morrow it will be the same,
And through it all the soul must dream

The Shattered Dream

I WAS somewhere off in Europe spending money like a king,
Owned a yacht like J. P. Morgan's, when the 'phone began to ring;
I was entertaining princes, dukes and earls, when wifie said:
'It's the telephone that's ringing, you must hustle out of bed.'
And I wandered down the stairway, grumbling o'er my vanished joy,
Growled: 'Hello;' and then he shouted: 'You're an uncle! It's a boy!'

The Dream Days

I LIKE the dream days best of all,
The hollyhocks against the wall;
The rambler roses blushing red,
The blue skies bending overhead,

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