RoseAnn V. Shawiak Exciting Poems

Exciting Colors

Coloring in books of yesterday's childhood, using bright
colored crayons, because they're exciting my mind where
new ideas stem from.

Exciting Brain Stem

Moving quickly, fingers flying
as they rhythmically put words
into my mind, exciting my brain
stem into classical wonder and

Inspiring And Exciting

Feeling elated, feeling good while listening to Springsteen,
I could no longer listen to that dull musician, now rocking
to great rhythms that inspire and excite me no end.

An Exciting Adventure

Selecting and moving onto a new plain of life, an exciting
adventure that's taking place no matter what's happening.

Loving and taking our turns down tracks like a locomotive,

Exciting Impressions

Touching me so softly, rhythms blending with poetical
rhymes, soaring into depths of intellect.

Carousing and benefitting from this interior beauty

Transcendent And Exciting

Pounding rhythms taking me into depths of an interior life
where all essence is benefitted, filling me with a joyful
fulfillment and tantalizing beauty.

Exciting Senses

Rapidly driving into depths of being, taking solace along,
listening to music and contemplating on what life is worth.

Noticing the smallest details all around, seeing it's

Exciting Desire

Categorically enjoying life's music as I write,
tearing into it's rhythms with exciting desires.
Listening eagerly for all the melodies bringing
words gently into mind.

Exciting Way Of Being Together

Stars shining upon us as we lie here in bed, side by side,
looking into each other's eyes, exploring our beings in the

Developing Exciting Ideas

Cones of light hanging from the ceiling looking odd,
yet familiar, creating exciting ideas to develop.

Thinking of how to explore possibilities to use them

Exciting Lifetime Experiences

Experiences of a lifetime are exciting, thrilling, taking
us on roller coaster rides through tests and challenges
of our human life.

Unpredictable And Exciting

Separate journeys on pathways of life are totally
unpredictable and exciting, always having new ad-
ventures and discoveries to learn about.

Many Exciting Aspects Never Seen

Slowly walking in an interior spirituality of another
dimension where there are many exciting aspects that
have never yet been seen.

Exciting Inner Wildness

Silently stepping to rhythms of modern music, letting
uptown funk jump and play within, elating and giving
feelings of an interior brilliance.

Exciting Music

Lively, exciting, music takes mind and intellect into other
dimensions interiorly, giving pleasant sensations, thoughts
and positive attitudes.

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