Francis Duggan Fairy Poems

Had I A Fairy Godmother

Had I a Fairy Godmother and if she came to me
And said I'll grant to you two favours what might those favours be?
I'd ask that I'd feel happy and live my life carefree
And my second wish a small cottage that overlook the sea.

A Former Rose Of Port Fairy

She was a former Rose of Port Fairy where the white waves of Pacific roll
But the years have left their mark upon her the years on us all do take toll
Though for one in her mid to late fifties she certainly does look okay
With anti ageing cream she hides time wrinkles and with brown dye she covers her gray

The Shearer From Port Fairy

He is from the place where the Moyne waters flow
The home of the black wallaby and the pale eyed crow
From the countryside of Port Fairy on the Pacific shore
He is sweating for his livelihood from the Moyne Shire five hundred kilometers or more

Port Fairy The World's Most Livable Small Town

Port Fairy voted as the World's most livable Small Town
But this only one of it's many claims to renown
For it's huge annual music festival it has become known Worldwide
A beautiful place in the Moyne coastal countryside

In Port Fairy In January

In Port Fairy in the holiday period in January for the mates some good fun
Playing cricket on the beach in the afternoon sun
Where each run is greeted with a lusty cheer
And between overs a break for a swim and a beer

The Young Surfers Of Port Fairy

They surf all year round on cold and sunny weather
From sun and wind they look so tanned and brown
The big surf waves never cause them any worry
The surfing young men of Port Fairy Town.

A January Evening In Port Fairy

A high for the day of a warm thirty eight degrees
But in the late evening a cool freshening breeze
Just before sunset has brought the temperature down
On this beautiful January evening in Port Fairy Town

Port Fairy's Claim To Renown

A huge annual musical festival and voted as the World's most Livable Small Town
Are two of Port Fairy's great claims to renown
But only livable for the cashed up millionaire
Poor people in Port Fairy for to say the least rare

Port Fairy

For scenery and beauty a place of renown
Of many tourists Port Fairy is a favorite Town
Griffith Island where the short tail shearwaters in Spring come to breed
Is in it's own right a tourist attraction indeed

The Norfolk Pine Of Port Fairy

'Tis said they grow more than a metre each year
And they do seem to have grown since I was last here
The Norfolk Island pine of Port fairy they tower over all
Beside them most other trees look rather small.

Port Fairy In November

Everywhere i turn to look i do see
Nature's beauty all around me
Young apples are growing on the apple tree
And the dainty black and white magpie lark calling pee wee

When The Whales Come To Port Fairy

The gray clouds of winter in the southern sky
When the southern right whales come to Port Fairy with their calves in July
On East Beach the whale watchers assemble to see
From their binoculars the giant mammals of the deep sea

Port Fairy's Rose

Her shoulder length wavy hair is as dark as the wing of a crow
The Pride of the Town where the Moyne waters flow
On towards Griffith Island to the Pacific shore
The rivers of Nature flow forever more

Beautiful Port Fairy

The air is so clean of pollution 'tis free
In Port Fairy the beautiful Town by the sea
With little development it's old charm it retain
You visit it once you will come back again.

A Port Fairy Beauty

Her Shoulder length golden hair tossing in the breeze
On a nice sunny September evening of eighteen degrees
With the lilt of joy in her lovely eyes of brown
And a smile on her face in old Port Fairy Town

Port Fairy In September

Between spells of sunshine brief sun showers a typical Spring day
The huge surf waves of Port Fairy are spewing up white foamy spray
The calling of the silver gulls the grumbling voice of the sea
The wildness of Nature is all around me.

The 2010 Port Fairy Music Festival

We are another year older and time is ticking on
And another Music Festival at Port Fairy has come and has gone
Great entertainment for young and for old and for those in their life's prime
And everyone there seemed to have a good time.

Port Fairy In July

The sun behind the gray clouds is hidden away
It is breezy and cold in Port Fairy today
The hunger of the Season in the silver gulls cry
In the depths of the Winter in the southern July

Port Fairy In The Moyne

Port Fairy in the Moyne Shire voted the World's most livable small town
Though this is not it's only claim to renown
On nearby Griffith Island a huge short tailed shearwater colony
Though sadly the island of predators of their young not totally free

Port Fairy In The Moyne Shire

Port Fairy in the Moyne Shire voted the World's most livable small town
Though this is not it's only claim to renown
On nearby Griffith Island a huge short tailed shearwater colony
Though sadly the island of predators of their young not totally free

Port Fairy In South Western Victoria

Of the first people who lived in the Port Fairy we know of today not one physical trace
Where the Moyne River flows to the ocean it is such a beautiful place
Voted the World's most livable small Town as a seaside resort widely known
A gem in the crown of the Moyne Shire it does have a charm of it's own

Port Fairy In Late Spring

Young surfers ride the white waves of Port Fairy on a sunny though cool and windy day in late Spring
One sees them surfing in all sorts of weather the gift of youth it is a marvelous thing
Above the ocean din i hear a blackbird fluting his notes on foreshore tree nearby
At times the sun from view does become obscured as rain clouds gather in the evening sky

Port Fairy In January

Port Fairy in January on a warm and humid saturday
The beach full of people the young splash and play
In the shallows where the small waves splash onto the beach
In a place safe to swim where the life savers can reach

The White Waves At Port Fairy

The white waves at Port Fairy they make a loud din
As on to the long beach the tide does roll in
And the dainty looking silver gulls mew as they fly
As the sun disappears in the gray evening sky

A July Day In Port Fairy

The sun intermittently shines in the sky blue and gray
But in Port Fairy it is cold, wet and windy today
Yesterday for Winter it was warm and dry
The weather changes quickly in the southern July

In Port Fairy Today

Utopia is surely not that far away
From beautiful Port Fairy on this Summer like day
Though in mid to late Winter in the southern July
There is not one gray cloud in the blue and sunny sky

In Port Fairy Town A Memorial Stone

Those who regret past wrongs they are not alone
In Port Fairy Town on Bank Street a memorial stone
In honor of the Indigenous people who were massacared In the Moyne coastal countryside
There are many things in human history without a source for pride

Port Fairy Sheepdog Trials

In sheepdog trials perhaps Australia's premier meet
Where the best trial sheepdogs in Australia compete
For to become Australia's dog of the year
Where to win one needs more than luck seems obviously clear

A Port Fairy Rose

The finest in Port Fairy for her age maybe
Though everyone with this may well not agree
Since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder as the wise one does say
And that beauty has many faces does seem this way

Lines On A Visit To Port Fairy

I walked Pathway that led through muttonbird colony
On Island off Port Fairy by the sea
In latter March a bright though breezy day
With voice of seagull ringing down the bay.

A Sunny Day In Port Fairy

In the parks by saltwater the birds whistle and sing
In Port Fairy on a beautiful day in the Spring
September has brought us her wildflowers and green
In Nature so much natural beauty for to be seen

The Port Fairy Sheepdog Trials

For to watch Australia's best sheepdogs in action the tested and tried
People come to Port Fairy in February from places far and wide
Where the judge does decide Australia's sheepdog supreme
For the winning dog and it's human connections Nationwide esteem

Near Port Fairy Town

The sun is glowing brightly in a blue to gray sky
And above the white beach the silver gulls cry
And a freshening sea breeze blowing towards Warrnambool
Is keeping the Summer air pleasantly cool

Festival Port Fairy Town

In the music World it is a place of renown
For it's huge annual musical festival Port Fairy Town
And for it's coastal beauty it is also well known
One might say it does have a charm of it's own

In September In Port Fairy

When the wild birds of Nature chirp, whistle and sing
Port Fairy a beautiful place in the Spring
In September a lovely time of the year
With the warmth of Summer with each day drawing near

On Port Fairy

A beautiful place i feel privileged to know
Port Fairy where the Moyne into the Pacific flow
An old coastal Town full of beauty and life
Where the warmth of hospitality among it's people is rife

Port Fairy In Spring

In Port Fairy by the ocean nesting birds chirp and sing
On a sunny day in early September in the early Spring
In a lovely old place on a beautiful day
The Spring is in town for her annual three months stay

Port Fairy By The Sea

For culture and hospitality it has won renown
Port Fairy by the ocean a famous old Town
To it's famous music festival that is held once a year
People from all Nations they come from far and near

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