Lawrence S. Pertillar Haunted Poems

Haunted By Your Own Remarks

Haunted by your own remarks?
That attacked someone without facts,
To impart?
And when the truth surfaces...

Going To Keep You Haunted

Did you think I was just going to let you go?
Freeing you to believe,
My grieving you have achieved?

Haunted Without Excuses To Make

A trickster calculates,
With thoughtlessness to solicit and trick...
Anyone unaware they are victims of it,
To be teased into giving one like this sympathy.

Haunted By Their Own Misdeeds

One should never base their opinion given,
Received from another...
To judge someone else with purposes to defame.
The outcome to them delivered by such actions...


If you don't leave the feasting of your greed,
It will haunt you.
If you don't leave the feasting of your greed,
One day it will come to haunt you.

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