Bri Edwards Poems

Hit Title Date Added

My fabled flight to the fabulous East …..
brought, to me, a delicious dessert feast.

At daughter's in-laws I had cran-apple pie.

My PH "Main Page" says that I, Bri, am 70 years young; SOME say "OLD"!
For goodness sake, I'll not be 70 till the end of June; PH I must NOW scold! !
But THAT is ‘neither here nor there'.It's time to begin my monthly task …
of letting you view some poems I've enjoyed, …………not that YOU've asked …

She came home (hint, hint) ** from having lunch with an old friend,
………..and, unable to bring her praise of the ‘new' eatery to an end,
she mentioned seeing ‘clam chowder', with VISIBLE flesh of clam! !
Well (‘after all')it WAS "clam" chowder, so it'd be not beef nor ham!

1 -

Scarlet Tanager (Male) [ In County Park In New York State,1980s ]

I took a salamander from Nature, against the critter's will.
I set it in a shallow dish of water, not far from a window sill,
....inside our kitchen, on a counter, near the kitchen sink.
While I went elsewhere, for a 'few' minutes, away it did slink.

Introductory Poem:

'Time moves on' some SAY, and I too shall move on some DAY! Don't cry, not yet,
because no 'moving day' is yet set. I've had a good life and now feel not much regret.

Don, I tried calling when California's BIG ONE …..hit,

but there was ‘no service' on phone, so I quit ….


It's mid-September and the pressure is mounting,
‘cause I KNOW, on me, Bri, you ALL are still counting to place joy, nay, rapture amidst your dull drudgery,

The plane fare to the tropic island was $900 (round-trip) ,
and on the island's thorny growth, my Armani swim suit did rip.
Our rustic sleeping accommodations there were another $1000 a night,
and our so-so meals were 'extra', AND prices on their wine list were 'out of sight'!

Each of three days I've spied a spider ‘idly sitting'…..
…in a web strung between branches.Was it knitting?
[ I don't think it was. ]Was it looking back at me ….
…through the window where I was gazing at its tree?

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