David Harris Poems

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An Angel On Their Shoulder

Some people say that caring
comes from a heart of gold.
Others say that those
with a heart of gold

Before It Goes Away

There are times when life is hard.
There are times when life is easy.
There are even times when life is perfect,
but that only lasts a short time.

Drunk Without A Drink

They say about getting high
after having a drink too many.
I managed to get high
without participating in a drop.

And Yet Another Bunch Of Things You Shouldn’t Do

Never smoke cigarettes,
as they are libel to leave you
with a big bad cough.

Success And Failure

Someone once called me a failure
for the publications that I lacked,
but I think they were wrong,
Success is not how much money

A Sunday Prayer 15

Oh Merciful Lord I come to you today
and ask you to look down on our children,
the future of Mankind.
Each one needs your guidance

Little Band Of Gold

With this little band of gold,
I slip on your finger.
I promise to love and cherish
you forever and ever,

There Are Days

There are days when everything
we touch crumbles within our hands.
These are the days when we wish
time would rush on by.

A Sleeping Champion

He was a sleeping champion
for every cause he never knew,
only awaked when someone
had a troubled heart.

A Sunday Prayer 01

Dear Lord as we walk
the different paths we have taken.
Help us to speak the truth,
and help us use words,

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