Muzahidul Reza Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Mediterranean Girl's War Phobia

Indoors by technology, outdoors by speedy transport
I travel the world
Today in Japan, tomorrow in Rome,
Next day by an ancient civilization or in Hawaii or Coast Ivory,

The Animal State (Imagery, Allegory And Satire)

No earthquake, no thunder, no volcanic eruption
Or even there was not any of other natural calamities,
A sudden loud sound broke out all through the bush
With whizzing, shuddering, cracking, tearing, echoing,

Let Love Be Universal - 1

As you see universally
There is a great fall
Let love stretch its hands being universal
To love and teach us to love all,

Ode To The Moon

Ode To The Moon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Usually after the sun's disappear

The Railway (Verse)

Modern Verse For The Railway
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vertically they have gone to see the horizon

Out Of Feelings

desert sucks upper water to store in the deep
trees, plants, herbs and grasses are about to die
sunshine reflects on mirages there
mirages elude and mislead the travelers,

Looking For A Mother

If it is difficult to feel your mother
Hard to bear and uneasy to share
See only the animals around you
Relation between mother and cub

The 21st Century's Murder And Massacre

Ongoing the 21st century's free style massacre
The horrible morning has started there in Myanmar,
Satan is tormented by theses and has come down
To learn the massacring styles in special gown,

My heart carries out order is under
My brain, a stout controller, powerful
Had planned a complex project earlier
Sending order to do as potential;

Sonnet - 2: The Sun's Turning Pale Is A Threat In Fact

The sun's turning pale is a threat, in fact
That directly affects solar system
The climate has already been much changed
With known-unknown, acute poisonous fume;

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