Lawrence S. Pertillar Poems

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Keep It Clean

Keep it clean.
Every crack your packing.
Soap it up and down.
Rinse that dirt away.

Golden Rule?

The golden rule?
Those who hold and control the gold...
Will rule.
Those who disbelieve,

Without Donated Sympathy

They are afraid to be discovered,
As imbeciles!
So to avoid this exposure...
Laws were amended.

Refresh, Revive, Renew

Refresh, revive, renew...
And declare yourself,
Detached and removed,

Leave Those Cranky People Alone

It is best to leave those cranky alone.
It pays to leave those cranky people alone.

Leave those cranky people,

People In Other People's Lives They Have Never Met

Are you that person,
To take what you hear...
To be fact and not fiction?

I Hated Those Multiple Choice Questions

Greed has chased their jobs,
And employers overseas.
Outsourcing was the word I heard...
When a few years ago,

Fearing Fear

Fearing fear to fear it done,
Has become a welcomed expectation.
And with it produced to be identified,
Has everyone anticipating it.

Stay Right By My Side

Stay right by my side.
And I hope you never show...
Or tell me I must go,
To then just walk away.

Something Of A Higher Consciousness Knows Everything

We were all given the same rules.
And the consequences for disobeying them,
Were tested.
By more than just a few.

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