Hit Title Date Added
The Pretty Bouquet Of Pretty Flowers

Like the pretty love Which sounds great and wonderful To me and to everyone,

A PRETTY PASSPORT (جواز سفر جميل)

جواز سفر جميل و رائع الى جوهر الحياة الجميلة لكي يعبر حامل جواز سفر افكاره الحلوة و الجميلة الى متن الحياة و يحتوي جواز السفر الحقيقي للمرء

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (جميع الحقوق محفوظة)

Everyone has his own rights in life Because this is our sweet and pretty life, The pretty poet has his publishing rights reserved, The pretty scientist has his scientific rights reserved,

All Our Days Are Pretty And Lovely

Today is the pretty Wednesday, Yesterday was the sweet Tuesday, and Tomorrow will be the bright Thursday. Today is pretty like a flower, Yesterday was like a pretty rose, and Tomorrow will all the pretty flowers.

The Foundation Stones Of Our Pretty Thoughts

Anything has a pretty foundation stone Because without it everything is useless. Our thoughts have pretty foundation stones They stand on to prove their strength.

القناعة كنز لايفنى

ليس المهم ان اكون امبراطورا او دكتورا او بياع كلام او مساح جوخ او اي كان بل المهم ان اعرف

I am the pretty poet Of the blue sea who Cares about of everything And everyone in life.

I Am Not Giving Up

I am totally tired and exhausted,
I am greatly pinned and nailed on the wall,
I am completely broken and penniless,
I am one hundred percent hungry and thirsty,

A Refugee's Final Word

O cruel world!
O cruel world!
I am a lone refugee

The Unknown Death Of A Sick Mind Of A Mean Tyrant

A sick man whose limits are infinite Because he is an ugly man and an ugly Tyrant who slays his good people like

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