Harish Meenashru Poems

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A Poem

A poem
stabs a dagger
in your heart -

Nobody is aware of the motive
even the victim cannot show the exact spot.

Interrogation reveals
that all eye-witnesses were in a state of dream
with their eyes closed at the critical moment
and the narrative of the dream differs from person to person.

when the weapon is recovered,
one finds that it was
a palash flower, soaked in the rhythm of blood.

Translation: Dr. Piyush Joshi and Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja


A rose on the table
Carefree as if it were on a holy tomb or in the inner shrine
Surely, it would have it, but the fragrance does not reach me
On a tiny little stalk, huddled together, a circular pattern of petals -
What a combination of beauty and tenderness

Scarlet red

On a window-seal in a well-watered pot
appears a stained spring -
Why does the rose not even look at it?
Why do the rosewater and the rose-jelly complain publicly, in a bitter tone
that they have nothing to do with it ?

Look, I've been staring at it all this while
and yet, - what would lead to beads of perspiration on the brow -
does not even form a single dewdrop on it

May be it is a rose; may be it isn't.
In all probability it is ( but one can't be so sure these days )
may not be so
If we go by denotation, then it is
But by connotation, it may fall short of the thirty two defining characteristics
Well, whatever it is
but for me life has turned into a dilemma
I don't have around me experts to seek advice from -
like a bee, a honeybee or a butterfly

To say that this is a pseudo rose, - may sound a little odd
especially in our language, but I can't help it
Under the influence of suspense films
taking soft steps , cautiously
I tip-toe closer to it

This one is just pretending to be a rose

On its worn out petals bold letters in cold print
are arbitrary and incomplete
Broken sentences and limping allusions
Truths of yesterday hobbling in their blackened faces
with crutches in the armpits

It has an unashamed finesse of touch
And a smell of obituary
But one must agree on one thing,
It's crafted amazingly, in a cunningly natural vein

Crafted from old newsprints
Look at its blazing colour!

Scar-lit red.

Translation: Dr. Piyush Joshi and Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja


Auf dem Tisch am Eingang liegt eine Rose
unbekümmert wie auf einem Muslim- oder Hinduschrein
der Duft erreicht mich nicht
kurzer Stiel
dicht überlappende Blüten
im Kreis
wie schön sie wirkt, wie sanft


vor dem Fenster im gewässerten Topf
der Frühling, von Erde zerrauft -
warum würdigt die Rose ihn keines Blickes?
Warum tun Rosenwasser und Rosengelee entrüstet
öffentlich kund: mit der haben wir nichts zu tun?
Schau nur, ich starr sie ununterbrochen an - jeder anderen
ränne der Schweiß von der Stirn
auf ihr indes wurde nicht mal ein Tröpfchen Tau gemacht

Vielleicht ist sie eine Rose, vielleicht keine
nahezu scheint sie echt (schwer zu sagen heutzutage), fast wirkt sie falsch
im wörtlichen Sinn „Rose", in der übertragenen Bedeutung
fehlen ihr Eigenschaften aus der Liste der 32
was sie hat, hat sie
ich aber bin ganz und gar
Hummel, Biene oder Schmetterling
diese Experten, die mir Rat geben könnten
fliegen nicht herbei

Dubiose Rose! Klingt auch ungeschickt
allemal in unserer Sprache, aber was soll ich tun …
ich pirsche mich an sie heran
wie in einem spannenden Film
langsam, langsam, auf Samtpfoten, auf der Hut:

wie perfekt sie vortäuscht, eine Rose zu sein
fettgedruckte Buchstaben auf den Schund-Blättern, starr
sinnlos, unvollständige Sätze, ohne Kontext, lahm
auf Krücken unterwegs zu einer Wahrheit von gestern
Druckerschwärze, seelenschwarz.

Wer diese Rose berührt, geht schamlosen Seelenfängern
auf den Leim, bis zum Himmel stinkt das
aber eines muss man zugeben: listig gemacht, die Rosen-Pose

alte Zeitungen hat man zurechtgeschnitten
um sie zu fabrizieren
schau, wie überaus rot sie daherkommt

rot - Zinnober, Zinnober

Übertragung ins Deutsche von Ulrike Draesner

The Woman

After the birds have winged away, their smudges remain on swaying branches
forming green droplets
as sprouting leaves from claw-marks
and mellowing fruits get impregnated with sweetness, with the scratch of chirping.
The woman too sits, likewise, on the crest of the house
and disappears all of a sudden as if reminded of something

Holding a broom or clothes to be squeezed
Or sporting on her fingertips the flavor of asafetida
or the wetness of a baby's napkin-diaper changed a while ago .
Her eyes keep favouring you for the lifetime.
And her feet?- the earth, that is, the sky.

As she enters the home, she is a bird
but the moment her scrawny legs touch the earth,
they behave in a way so weird,
astonishing the whole neighborhood of trees and birds :
she stands at the threshold like a freshly planted sapling in a flower-bed,
halfway thru' unfamiliarity and intimacy.

Her legs start taking roots in the corridor, in the sadness of the backyard
in the age-old account-book, in your glad thighs and gloomy heart.
Now onwards neither can birds fly nor can the trees stand still, never ever.
Both, the birdbath and the flower-bed would be brimming now onwards, with aridity.

Even while serving lunar porridge in your bronze-bowl
she keeps retreating, step by step, towards crematorium:
she, - the ashen wrinkly great grandma, grandma, or mom,
- yours or your kids'.

The bird becomes
cousin of the Arundhati star1 deep rooted in the sky.
Even after that, pervade the entire household
the aroma of sweet dishes, play-full cries of kids and homely incantations of
on the day of shraddh.
In the waddle of expecting women-folk
one finds lightness of birds and heaviness of laden trees
and thus the home follows in the footsteps of life.

Although its prints can't be traced on the floor of the house.

Translation: Dr. Piyush Joshi and Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja


Vögel hinterlassen Kratzer auf schaukelnden Zweigen,
eine Spur aus Knospen, Blättern und
platzenden Früchten.
Eine Frau sitzt am Dachfirst, wie kann denn
das, was sich besinnt, auch noch verschwinden.
In ihrer Hand Babywindeln, ein Besen,
oder nur der Asafetida Geruch
an einer Fingerspitze.
Ihr Mund liebt den Mann ein Leben lang,
aber ihre Füße lieben Himmel und Erde.
Betritt sie das Haus noch als Vogel,
verlernt sie als Ehefrau das Fliegen.
Ihre dünnen Beinchen berühren so heftig
die Erde, daß selbst die Vögel und die Bäume
staunen. Sie verharrt auf der Türschwelle.
Die Unvertrautheit ist intim und unentrinnbar.
Ihre Füße stecken überall, auf dem Flur,
in den Löchern des Haushaltsbuches, in der Betrübnis der Hinterhöfe -
vergnügte Schenkel und ein unglückliches Herz.
So kann man nicht fliegen, so still können selbst Bäume
niemals stehen. Das Vogelbad, das Beet mit
Dürre überschüttet. In einer Kupferschale gibt es
Most vom Mond. Betrat sie das Haus noch als
Vogel, verliert sie sich ab jetzt in Richtung
Totenreich, die faltige, aschgraue Haut deiner Urgroßmutter,
Großmutter, deiner Mutter und der Mutter deiner
Kinder, diese Mütter werden wieder Vögel, sind wurzelnde
Sterne wie in der Arundhati Liebe, sie ziehen durch das
ganze Haus, der Geruch von Süßigkeiten, der Lärm spielender
Kinder am Todestag.
Wenn Schwiegertöchter oder Töchter sich viel schwerfälliger
bewegen, sind sie schwanger, die Leichtigkeit der Vögel,
die grüne Fruchtigkeit der Bäume, das ganze Haus folgt
ihren Füßen, obwohl die Spuren auf dem Boden
nicht zu sehen sind.

Übertragung ins Deutsche von Thomas Kunst

Ein Gedicht

Dein Gedicht

Ich wüßte gern, warum
bedrängt es meinen
Kopf, die Brust,
mein Herz.

Bei den Ermittlungen
kam heraus,
daß alle Augenzeugen
gerade mit sich
selbst beschäftigt

Jeder von ihnen
sah meinen Tod

Als das Gedicht
beschlagnahmt wurde,
konnte man erkennen,
daß es kein Messer war,
nur ein Palasazweig
in Flammen.

Übertragung ins Deutsche von Thomas Kunst

from "Narratives of Creation"

This is about the time
when there was no ant
and no earth.

The ant that was not bit the earth that was not.
there was a swelling on the earth

It bit the mountain
and a brook burst out.

The ant bit the water
the navel of water was perturbed,
there bloomed up a lotus.

The ant bit the lotus.
The fragrance asleep in its fold got awaked.
The fragrance took a few steps.
They were called wind.

The ant bit the wind.
Annoyed, it started hissing and blowing in a circle - the resonating Shunya
tensely stretched in all ten directions became the covering -the sky.

The ant bit the sky,
there was a red sore on the sky -
The light of its burning got spread everywhere.

The ant bit the light,
Within no time there erupted a shadow devoid of body - the colour of inversion.

The ant bit the shadow,
From its toe there emerged a poet sans prosody.

On biting the poet
from his red swollen lips and red burnt tongue
there appeared (hund)reds of languages.
Now the ant that was not became noAnt in the true sense,
absolutely unoccupied -
leaving the task of biting to language .

began the Creation of the Universe.

Translation: Dr. Piyush Joshi and Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja

srishthi - Gedicht um Gedicht

Es gab keine Ameise
gab keine Erde
wir sprechen von früher

die nicht existierende Ameise beißt in die nicht existierende Erde
aus der Erde dringt eine Beule
der Berg wird gestochen
zu sprudeln beginnt eine Quelle

die Ameise beißt in das Wasser
der Nabel des Wassers beginnt heftig zu strudeln
ein Lotus wächst aus ihm
die Ameise beißt in den Lotus
der Duft des Lotus schreckt aus dem Schlaf/
tut einige Schritte nach vorn
sie erhalten den Namen Wind

die Ameise beißt in den Wind
wütend zischt er auf, umschreibt eine stürmische Null
straff gespannt dehnt der Himmel sich in alle zehn Richtungen

die Ameise beißt in den Himmel
der Himmel entwickelt einen roten Fleck
noch in die letzte Ecke sendet dieses Brandmal sein Licht

die Ameise beißt in das Licht
schlagartig erscheint die Farbe, die Farbe löscht, ein Schatten ohne Körper

die Ameise beißt in den Schatten
aus einer seiner Zehen tritt der Dichter, der in ungebundener Sprache schreibt

die Ameise beißt den Dichter
rot die Lippen, rot die verbrannte Zunge
rot die gut beißende Sprache Gujarats

Die Ameise, die es nicht gab
Verwandelte sich in die Ameise, die nicht existiert

so entstand, was entstand

Übertragung ins Deutsche von Ulrike Draesner

કવિતા વિષે ચાટુક્તિઓ

રહેમદિલીથી ભોંકી દે છે
તમારા જિગરમાં

કતલના હેતુ વિષે હોતી નથી કોઈને ખબર
મારનાર ઈસમ પણ નિશ્ચિતપણે બતાડી શકતો નથી કતલનું સ્થળ

જ્યારે ઊલટતપાસ થાય છે ત્યારે ખબર પડે છે કે બધા જ ચશ્મદીદ ગવાહો
ખરે વખતે મશગૂલ હતા આંખો મીંચીને સ્વપ્ન જોવામાં
ને સ્વપ્નના વર્ણનમાં વ્યક્તિએ વ્યક્તિએ હોય છે પાઠફેર

છેવટે જ્યારે જપ્ત કરવામાં આવે છે
કતલનું હથિયાર
ત્યારે એ હોય છે
એકાદ પલાશનું ફૂલ, લોહીના લયથી ખરડાયેલું


ટેબલ પર પડ્યું છે એક ગુલાબ
દરગાહ પર કે ગભારામાં પડ્યું હોય એટલું બેપરવા
હશે તો ખરી જ , પણ મારા સુધી પહોંચતી નથી એની સુગંધ
ટચૂકડી દાંડી પર
એકબીજાને ચપોચપ વળગીને
વૃત્તાકારે ગોઠવાયેલી એની પાંદડીઓ
કેવી તો સુંદર અને કોમળ ભાસે છે


બારી કને પાણી પાયેલા કૂંડામાં
માટીના ઓઘરાળાવાળી વસંત ઊભી છે,-
પણ આ ગુલાબ એની તરફ એક દૃષ્ટિ સુધ્ધાં કેમ ફેંકતું નથી?
ગુલાબજળ અને ગુલકંદ જાહેરમાં એવું કેમ કહી રહ્યા છે, કડવાશથી કે
અમારે તો ન્હાવાનિચોવાનો સંબંધ પણ નથી એની સાથે ?
જુઓને, હું એને આવી રીતે તાકી રહ્યો છું, ક્યારનો - બીજું કોઈ હોય તો
કપાળે પરસેવો વળી જાય
પણ આની પર તો ઝાકળનું એક ટીપું સુધ્ધાં નથી બાઝ્યું
કદાચ આ ગુલાબ છે ખરું, પણ નથી
લગભગ તો લાગે છે કે છે ( પણ કશું કહેવાય નહીં, આ જમાનામાં ) કદાચ ન પણ હોય
મુખ્યાર્થ ઘટાવીએ તો છે, ધ્વન્યાર્થમાં ખૂટે છે થોડાંક લક્ષણો, બત્રીસમાં
એ તો જે હશે તો હશે
પણ મારો તો આખો ય ભવ
બની ગયો છે અવઢવ
ભ્રમર, મધમાખી કે પતંગિયાં જેવા
તજજ્ઞો પણ નથી મારા આ ઓરડામાં
કે સલાહ લઈ શકાય

આ એક શંકાસ્પદ ગુલાબ છે એવું વાક્ય કઢંગું લાગશે,
ખાસ તો આપણી ભાષામાં , પણ છૂટકો નથી....
સસ્પેન્સ ફિલ્મની દોરવણી હેઠળ
આસ્તે આસ્તે, દબાતે પગલે, અત્યંત સાવધાનીપૂર્વક
હું એની નજીક સરું છું :
આ તો નર્યો ઢોંગ કરી રહ્યું છે ગુલાબ હોવાનો

એની રદ્દી પાંખડીઓ પર છપાયેલા છે બોલ્ડ લેટર્સ કોલ્ડ પ્રિન્ટમાં
એલફેલ અને અડધાપડધા
ખંડિત વાક્યો અને ખોડંગાતા સંદર્ભો
કાંખઘોડીના ટેકે
એમાં ફરવા મથે છે ગઇકાલનાં સત્ય, મોં કાળું કરીને
એના સ્પર્શમાં સુઘડ નિર્લજ્જતા છે
એને સૂંઘવાથી કાળોતરી જેવી ગંધ આવે છે,
પણ એક વાત માનવી પડશે : એની કારીગરી અદભૂત છે, ખંધાઈભરી રીતે કુદરતી

કોકે જૂના અખબારના કાગળિયાં કાતરીને
એને બનાવ્યું છે
જુઓને એ કેટલું તો લાલઘૂમ છે

ચટકતું લાલ

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