Another Trip Around The Sun Poem by The4amPoet ....

Another Trip Around The Sun

So the day has come to celebrate
another journey round the sun
but you havent really grown that much
since the day that you begun
so look on the bright side as people stare
clothes are cheap at Mothercare...lolz
but you know me better
and a poem should start
with scripted images
that project from the heart
do you remember the rythm
and my artistic style
words turn to goose bumps
then transform into smiles
So i send to you
A Birthday wish
from that grimm little town that smells of fish
and i hope that all your dreams come true
my closest friend..i guess..thats you

Sally Plumb Plumb 18 May 2012

A new day with fresh words.

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Ramesh Rai 08 May 2012

Another trip, only a poet can think.

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Jinal Oswal 01 May 2012

I am a fan of your fans.... I go gaga over them... Lovely writing... so sweet... and all the love words I can ever think of are for your poems... this is a real sweet way of wishing birthday... love, humor and a touch of your emotions... Nice one :)

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Heather Wilson 04 April 2012

You really do have artistic style, great poem

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