He Sang Poem by Glen Kappy

He Sang

Rating: 4.6

'And when they had sung a hymn…'
—Mark 14: 26a

You sang, Lord(!)
In a tenor or a baritone?
(Another thing
we're left to wonder—
with hair, eyes, skin, size—
to wonder then let go) .
Was it a solemn song?
Or one to fortify
against the night
you knew would follow?

In times before
on dusty roads
were they who struggled
to keep up with you
surprised to hear you whistle?
Or did they smile
when you'd start
a cadenced song
to make less weary
all the miles?

Or in gray dawn
and back from prayer—
your clothing trundled up
as on your knees
you stoked the fire—
were the first to wake
who cinched their blankets
close against the chill
then warmed
to hear you humming?

As you were flesh
we know you ate
you drank, you did
what all our bodies
need to do.
To these is added
that you sang—
that we need more
than bread to live
was also true for you.

Saturday, March 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: gospel,human,jesus,song,walking,bible,christ,christian,christianity
Bernard F. Asuncion 13 April 2017

Against the chill.... thanks for sharing....

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Glen Kappy 13 April 2017

and thanks for commenting. -glen

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 13 April 2017

Hello dear Glen, So, so very happy to see you as the poet of the day. You richly deserve it. My heartiest congratulations.! I know you to be a spiritual person and a true christian. And when the Lord sings whether in a tenor or baritone, you are sure to pick up the strains of the melody much quicker than the normal person. It is a wonder song most beautifully interpreted by you, from St. Mark -14.26.a. We need not just bread for our stomach but music for the soul! A vote is a must. :)

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Daniel Brick 15 February 2021

What an intimate portrayal, of Jesus! This poem is imbued with the confidence of faith. It is such a quiet and assured expression of belief - no strident tone, only the peace of understanding.

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Dr Antony Theodore 27 November 2020

To these is added that you sang— that we need more than bread to live was also true for you Very good poetry. you are a missionary through your writings dear Glen. tony

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Glen Kappy 01 December 2020

Thank you, Tony, the comment and the recognition in it. Though it’s less obvious in some of my poems, almost all come from my wanting to celebrate God in God’s various aspects—as friend, savior, creator, etc. May our lives be celebrations and reflections of God. -Glen

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Dr Antony Theodore 20 November 2020

we're left to wonder— with hair, eyes, skin, size— to wonder then let go) . Was it a solemn song? Or one to fortify against the night you knew would follow? wonder, solemn song night, very good poem dear Glen. thank u. tony

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Dominic Windram 30 April 2019

Excellent poem Glen...a spiritual reflection on the human condition!

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 05 February 2019

Amazing insight into the human side of Jesus, and the wondrous love that made Him come down from heaven's throne to walk this earth and be one of us. Indeed, His very Presence is a song of love.

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Glen Kappy 05 February 2019

glad you read this one, cynthia. i would have guessed you'd appreciate it. on his humanity, as i was reminded recently, his most common self-description was son of man. be blessed! -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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