Iliad. The First Song.The Pestilence.The Wrath. Homer Poem by Yuri Starostin

Iliad. The First Song.The Pestilence.The Wrath. Homer

The first song
The pestilence. The wrath.
Sing, goddess, about the wrath of Achilles, the son of Peley,
The cursed anger, brought to the Achaeans the suffering without an account,
Sent to Hades many strong souls of a heroes
Gave their by their to be devoured by the loot to the greedy
5 surrounding birds and the dogs. This done on the will of Zeus,
Since most that time as in the first time, after a quarrel,
The son of Atreus, king of men, and many light Pelid was apart hostilely.

Who have from the immortal gods brought this strife between them?
The son of Leto and Zeus. Annoyed by the king, he sent
10 The evil disease on the Achaean army. The peoples died
Due that Atrid dishonored Chryse-flamen.
That came to the fast-fly ships of the Achaeans to rescue
The daughter out the captivity, paying the countless ransom for her.
Went, carrying on the gold rod the band of Apollo
15 And addressed with the hot entreaty to the assembly of the Achaeans,
Most of all - to both Atrides, the builders of the armies:

'Children of Atrea and the bouffant -sheath men of the Achaeans!
Give to you, immortal gods, living in the homes of Olympus,
To destroy the city of Priamos and to come back in the motherland!
20 You do let go the dear daughter to me and accept the ransom,
Revered the son of Zeus, Phoebus smashing the far side'.

All of the Achaeans expressed the acceptance by the universal scream
To offer the honor to the flamen and accept the brilliant purchase.
Only Agamemnon have not this decision on the heart;
25 He kick away the flamen no good, and ordered sternly:
'That I have never you, old man, never seen before the ships!
There is nothing here for you to delay, and don't dare to appear further!
Or will not help to you neither your staff nor a God headband.
I will not let go her! Your daughter will older into the slavery,
30 In the Argos, in our house, from you, from the homeland far away,
Avoiding the loom and sharing the bed with me.
Go away you and don't anger me to return a whole one! '

That's he said. Scared the old man, obedient to the order,
Silently walked on the sand along the loud noise sea.
35 Going from the ships afar, saddened the old man pleaded
To the son of beauty hair Leto, to the Lord Apollo:
'Kneel the hearing, silver onion, oh you, that stand on the defense
Of the Chrisy and of the sacred Killa and supreme reign in the Tenedos!
If, Minfa, I do ever the temple to you built for a joy,

40 If sometime I burned before you much pursy hip
Of the goats and of the bulls, then hear me and comply the desire:
Let avenge your arrows to the Danaens for my tears! '

So he spoke, praying. And silver bow Apollon heeded.
Quickly he went from the peaks of the Olympic, fulfilled by the wrath,
45 Carrying a bow and a quiver behind, closed everywhere;
Loud the winged arrows, shaking behind, rang
Together with the movements of the God. He stalk like a night.
Sitting from the Achaean ships on the far side, he pulled the string;
Horribly the silver onion rang under the arm of Apollo.
50 At first he started to hit the mules and the fast dogs,
After the bitter arrows strewed and in the people.
All of a hour the funeral flames of a fires were burning everywhere.

The Apollon arrows scamper on the camp in the nine days.
Achilles called the people to the meeting on the tenth day,
55 This white armed goddess Hera inspired him:
She tormented by a grief seeing the dying Danaens.
They began meeting, and when they gathered on the meeting,
Standing from the seats up, fleet-footed Achilles said before them:
'That is see should do, Atrid, return after the long wanderings
60 To come back home to us if to avoid the death succeed:
Horobly and the perilous pestilence, and the war destroy the Achaeans.
However, ask the some flamen or the prophet.
Or the interpreter of a dreams, indeed Zeus sent and the dream .
Let he tell us why Apollo is so angry:
65 Either he is angry for a vow unfulfilled, for the hecatomb?
Or the smoke from the fat of a sheep and of a goats without a blemish
The God requires to deliver us from the cruel pestilence? '

So he said and sat down. And then Calchas Phestorid stand before the assembly of the Achaeans,
The excellent diviner on the birds.
70 He wit, all-wise man, all, that was, that is and that will be
Sent the ships to Ilion on the expanses of the sea
By the power of the divination that given to him by Lord Apollo.
Be full of the good intentions, he took the word and began to speak:
'Oh Achilles! You order to explain me, favorite of Zeus,
75 The wrath of Apollo, God- Lord far smashing.
I will explain. But understand me, - swear me before,
That you wish to protect me and by the arm and by the word.
I think should provoke a wrath me the husband like hell, who
Ruled in Argos, to whom all of the Achaeans are obedient here.
80 A king is terrible for the lower man, if he will excite his anger.
Although he humbles the outbreak of the anger and for the first time,
But the hidden anger, while he do to appear it,
Conceals in the heart. Judge and tell me, will you care me? '

Immediately swift-footed Achilles replied to Calhas:
85 'Boldly you reveal to us the God's command that you knew is.
I swear by Phoebus, the favorite of Zeus, also
You are to whom pray, Calchas, revealing the deeds of the God:
No, before the courts, as long as I live on the earth and I look,
I swear, nobody will lift a heavy arms up on you
90 In the lengthy camp of the Danaens, though this is will be that Agamemnon,
Today which is proud by the supreme authority in the Achaean army! '

Then he grew bold by the heart and the excellent fortuneteller said:
' Phoebus is not angry for the unfulfilled vow or a hecatomb,
But for Chris flamen: Agamemnon have hurt him,
95 Refused to give the daughter him back and rejected the ransom.
He do not take away from the Danaens the shameful death before that,
While you do not return back the fast-eyed daughter to the father
Free without a money, before that, while you will bring to Chryse the holy hecatomb.
100 Then only we kneel on the grace of God'.

The word Phestorid graduated and seated. And
The son of Atreus, pre-strange-state hero Agamemnon.
He was burning by the anger. His dark heart filled in the breast
By the horrible anger. The eyes lit by the lights bright up.
105 Primarily he replied to Calchas, glancing ominously:
'Pre-speaker of the troubles! Never you do not told me a good word!
Always you have a pleasure only a to prophesy a griefs to the people.
A good words never you did not tell us, do not told.
Here and now you declare to all of us as the verse of the God,
110 Though the troubles for the Danaens the Far -striker was revealed for that,
That I did not want to get for a beautiful Chris daughter
The brilliant ransom. Yeah! I want her very much
To have at a home; I do her, to Clytemnestre wedded wife,
To prefer: no a little, she is worse of Clytemnestre
115 By her presence and face and by her deeds and temper.
But I agree: I will return her, if the sake requires.
Better I want to see the salvation than the death of people.
You prepare me the award immediately, that I am alone among the Achaeans
Have not an award - is this to decent?
120 You are all see that I lose my reward'.

So he said. And swift-footed Achilles is answered him:
'Most of the glory son of Atreus, the gain husband among all!
Where to the high-soul Achaeans get this award for you?
We do not have anywhere a stored common treasure;
125 That are in the ruined towns we have extracted, all are divided;
And to take at the people that was given, is not good.
Better back her in the pleasing of the God. And after
All of us are, Achaeans, will pay for it threefold and fourfold,
If Zeus help us the strong- wall Troy to destroy.'

130 Lord Agamemnon said to the Son of Peleus in the respond:
'You are valiant, Achilles, similar on the immortal ones, but
Fully to deceit: to spend me or to tip -you able not!
You want, that you hold a reward, and I am, crawled,
So, I would sit without it? And order that I gave this?
135 Let the Achaeans will satisfy me by the new award,
Equally pleasing to the heart, it is equivalent with the first one.
If they denied me in that, then I am will come and the reward
I take or your, or of Ayaks, or of Odyssey
I coerce to give; and I come to whom that will not glad!
140 However all of this amply to think we will be able and after.
Now this black ship we will float on the sacred sea down,
Choose carefully the best rowers, and set a hecatomb
And seat Criseyde, the beauty-cheeks virgin.
Will be one in the head, somebody is sensible in the committees -
145 Idomeneo, divine Odyssey, either brave Ajax,
Or and you, Pelid, are horrible among a men,
To induce the far-striker on the sacrifice for the grace to us '.

Angrily looked him up, fleet of foot Achilles answered:
'Oh, you, dressed in the shamelessness, all of your thoughts are about the benefits
150 Who of the Achaeans will want your suggestions to listen -
Do to take the some way or to fight bravely with the enemies?
Either I come for me to against Trojans-pike fighters
Here to fight? The Trojans are innocent before me.
No a horses, no a cows of me they have not stolen , -
155 They had never trodden the cornfields
In my happy Ftii, that is many people, is rich of the fruits; the immense mountains
Covered by the forests and the noisy waters of the sea divide us.
No, for you, shameless man, we came to be you happy,
We watch the honor of Menelaus and your, ugly mug dog!
160 You count all of this for a nothing and still despise.
And also you threaten me, that you will take my prey,
The reward of the heavy feats I was awarded by the Achaeans.
But never I have no an awards are equal to yours,
If the Achaeans capture any city of the Trojan.
165 Here these are my arms do most of all
Lead us to the victory in the cruel battle; but as soon as a division occurs,
The richest gift is to you. And I am, satisfied by a little of,
Returned in my camp to the ships, languid by the fighting deed.
Now I go in the Ftia! It is much nicer to return
170 In the curved ships home. Ashamed by you,
I will not do to multiply for you there a wealth and a reserves! '

Then Lord of a men Agamemnon retort to Achilles:
'That is, run away if you want! I am not become to pray you
For me to stay; and others will stay here;
175 They will honor me, and especially Zeus provider.
I hate you among the kings, a pet of Zeus.
Only a strifes, a war and a battles are for you and enjoyable.
Yeah, you're a mighty by the arm. But indeed this is given to you by God.
Go back home to their ships, with the team.
180 Rule the myrmidons there. Believe, I am not sad for you
Your anger is not frightens me, and I will threaten you by this way:
Phoebus-Apollo take my Christidou away from me,
Let! I will send her
On my ship and with my squad; but I will come to you and your Briseida
185 I am will take away, your reward, that clear you understand,
As far as I'm taller than you in the force, and so that everyone have feared
To stand yourself on desk with me and compete with me! '

So he said. And furious anger gripped Achilles.
The heart hesitated in the hairy chest between the two solutions:
190 Or, bared his sharp sword, his former, at the haunch,
To scatter all in different sides and kill Atreid,
Or to stop the anger, subdued the indignant heart.
At the moment, as worried by such thoughts the mind and the heart,
He take his terrible sword from the sheath on, Athena come
195 From the heaven; the white armed goddess Hera sent her,
Loving both by the heart of and caring equally about both.
She stood behind Achilles, and touched his blond hair,
Be visible only to him, she invisible to anyone of other.
Quickly amazed Palid turned buck ; he spot
200 Pallas-Athens at once; her eyes was shining ghausty.
He said by the loud voice to her the winged words:
'Daughter of Agioha, why you are descend here from the Olympus?
Or you want to see the insolence of Agamemnon?
But I say to you, and I intend to do it:
205 Soon he shrivel his spirit by his excessive arrogance! '

So answered him owl-eye virgin Athena:
' To tame your violent anger, I came down, if you obey,
From the heaven; the white armed goddess Hera sent me,
Loving both by the heart and equally caring about both.
210 Well, finish the quarrel, don't touch the sword by the arm!
Scold by the word, however, that is you like.
That is I will tell you, and all of this will come true exactly:
Soon pay to you here by the same nice gifts in three times as much
For the outrage. Hold on and obey us! '

215 Answered to her, then fleet-footed Achilles said:
'Your word with the Hera, goddess, I must obey,
As neither the anger of the spirit would hold so much, because that is better.
Those of that are obedient to the gods, and the gods hear soon'.

Having grit the heavy hand on the silver hilt,
220 Achilles dropped the huge sword in the scabbard down, submitting to
The word of Athens. She's on Olympus returned back
In the home of Agioha - Zeus, in the assembly of the other immortal ones.
Immediately the son of Peleus turned with the harsh words to Atrid
Again, and did not restrain an anger in the heart:
225 'Miserable drunkard with the eyes of a dog and the heart of a deer!
You're never go with the people in the battle ,
Nor to prove yourself in the ambush with a brave host husbands
You did not dare by your heart. You seam this is a death.
To plunder the gifts of that which dare to rebuke you
230 Is more better and easier a hundred times on a wide camp of Achaeans.
The tsar, the devourer of a people's wealth - you are the king over a despised men!
Otherwise-, now you were saucy in the last times.
But I say to you, and I swear by the great oath, -
I swear by this rod that will not emit neither a leaves nor a branches
235 Again, once separated from the trunk in the mountains,
Will not give more green, if the copper removed so from it
A leaves with the bark and a branches; now the judges, the sons of the Achaeans,
Which abide the statutes of Zeus, bears in the palms.

Let this rod shall be my great vow to you:
240 The time comes, and the sons of the Achaeans will desire Pelid
Everyone do to the last ones; being bewail bitter, you help them will not be able
In the battle, when they will die by the crowds
Under the blows of Hector-killer -of -the -husband; you will plague by the sorrow
Your heart, that dishonored the bravest ahaen so! '

245 Achilles said so, and, rapidly throwing on the ground
The rod, studded by the gold nails, he sat down on the seat.
Sitting in front of, Atrid is raged. Here mealy-mouthed
Nestor got up, the Pilos speaker with a sonorous voice.
Flowed from his tongue the speech is sweeter than a honey.
250 The two generations of the people, destined to the death, are disappeared,
With that he was born and grew up in the Pylos stored by the gods,
- Already the old man rule by the third generation there.
Full of a good feelings, he turned to them and said:
'Woe! The great dolor slough on the Achaean earth!
255 How would exulted lord Priam and Priam children,
How many the infinite joy all of the Trojans would have experienced
If they knew that both of you started the feud, -
You, the first men among the Danaens in the meeting, the first ones in a battles!
My tip you do not cast away: because you are younger much more than me.
260 Earlier I knew the men and stronger than you, and braver;
With them the deal I had, and they don't shun me.
No, such men I have not seen and will not see in the century, -
The warriors, as Piriphoy and Driant, the leader of the peoples,
Or as Escady, Keia, Polyphem, that is equal to the celestials,
265 Or Thesey borned by Egey, like on the immortal ones.
That were the mighty men, the glory of the earth-born sons.
They were mighty, joined in the battle with the mighty ones,
Fought the mountain monsters, plunging to a horrible death.
I was, however, in the fraternity and with them, leaving Pylos,
270 Coming to them from far side: they called me themselves.
I won those monsters one on one. And to fight
With them none of a people is not dared, of a living men now.
These people listened my the speech
And took my tips. And you accept. It would be better.
275 You, Agamemnon, though is strong in a power, do not deprive Achilles
The girl: earlier the Achaeans gave her in the reward to him.
Also and you Peleid, stop to argue with the king:
A such honor as he had no one have not hitherto never -
The tsar- sciptro-bearer, that Zeus had exalted by the glory.
280 Let you are very strong, let the goddess born you in the world,
All of the same Atrid is taller you: more of a people subdue to him.
Calm your heart, Atreid, I pray you,
The anger don't look to Pelid: he serves as a strongest suppose
For all of us in the fail-getting war that we have now'.

285 The lord of men Agamemnon said to Nestor in the response:
'So, you are saying square and reasonably, o old man!
But here this man wants himself to exceed everyone,
Wants to command by all and strongly to rule by all,
Wants to direct to all. But unlikely a people will obey him.
290 Or the eternal gods have made him a spear fighter
Just to that he strewed all by the abusive words? '

Interrupting his speech, much -bright Achilles respond:
'A people would rightly called me the miserable coward ,
If to be would in all that you say, I conceded to you silently.
295 This is to request you from another somebody; to me
You don't command me: I obey to you do not want!
Otherwise the word I will say, and ponder it carefully:
To join in the arm fight for the girl I do not intend
Against you or another man: you took that you given.
300 But anything else that is before my black ship,
You grab against my will, you can't to carry on.
If you want, try it, let be that and these will see:
The black blood will stream out you on my spears! '

So fighting between them by the hostile words, both ones
305 Stand on the ground up and disbanded the assembly of the Achaean troops.
Equal Pelid to the God forward his steps in his staff
To the isosceles ships, with him and Patroclus with his myrmidons retinue,
The son of Atreus drop a high-speed vessel on the sea
The twenty chosen rowers, put a hecatomb on that,
310 The gift to Apollo, and he is to wind the beautiful daughter of Hris
On the ship up. And many -mind Odysseus is the chief up.

They sat on the ship and sailed on the wet way.
The son of Atreus gave the order to the peoples be cleansed.
All of them were purified, and thrown the impure into the sea.
315 Then they brought the hecatomb of the bulls and the goats without a blemish
To Phoebe for the sacrifice at the always restless sea .
The smell of the burning fat is clouded in the smoke in the sky.

So they are worked in the camp. The son of Atreus Agamemnon
Is not wanted to finish the quarrel, threatened that to Achilles,
320 But addressed the word to Talthybius and Eurybatus, -
His messengers and the prompt companions were both:
'Go quick in the camp to the Achilles, the son of Peley,
Taking for the arms, escort the beautiful daughter of Brisia.
If he refuse, then the girl I take myself,
325 Came with a large number, and then it will be worse him'.

He said and sent them, addressing by the strict speech.
Silently both walked along the always restless sea.
They came in the camp of the myrmidons to the ships, and found Achilles,
Sitting before the black- sides ship and his bet.
330 Seeing them before him, Pelid found nor a joy.
They both were confused and, ashamed of Achilles, stood,
Do not addressing the question to him and have no a word.
He understood them in his heart and so addressed to the messengers:
'Rejoice, my friends heralds, messengers of Zeus and of the mortals ones!
335 Closer go: Acrid, no you are guilty before me.
He sends you here for the beauty -cheeks virgin.
God-born Patroclus, go on and lead Briseida in,
Let lead on. But let be the witnesses both of the same ones
In the face of the all-blessing gods and of the earth-born men
340 And before by a heartless king, if once again
A need will be in me, to save from the shameful death
Other of the Achaeans! He is mad in the death thoughts,
To link ' before' and 'after' is not able, can't to think
The way, fighting before their ships, to save the Achaeans'.

345 So he said. And Patroclus obeyed a dear friend.
Lead beautiful Briseida out the Pelid bet,
Gave to the ambassadors, and they left to the ships of Achaeans.
And the woman went with them unwillingly. Immediately Achilles left the friends,
Is all in the tears, and seat, in the distance from all,
350 Near the hoar -gray surf. Looking in the wine-black sea,
He stretched the arms forward and pleaded to the cute mother:
'My mother! Therefore you gave the birth on the light to me of the short-eternal entity,
Should do the honor either to grant me high-thunder
Zeus Olympian? And now he denies me the small part.
355 Wide-sovereign Atrid Agamemnon cause me
The angry resentment: he take away and get the reward'.

So he spoke in a tears. And the lady mother heard,
Sitting in a sea depth at the parent old man Nerey.
Quickly coming from the grey hoar sea, like a light cloud, out,
360 She seat near the dear son that shed the tears,
Gently caressed by the arm, call and said so:
'What are you, my child, crying? What sorrow has visited
Your heart? Don't hide, tell me that both of us knew! '

Sighing heavily, fleet-footed Achilles said to the mother:
365 'You are know. What is for to you, which know all, to tell me?
We went on sacred Phoebe, the city Gation,
And defeated it, and was introduced the booty in our camp.
Well the sons of the Achaeans shared all between themself.
The beautiful daughter of Chryse they gave to Agamemnon.
370 Chryse, the priest without a penalties hitting Phoebe,
Came to the fast ships of the copper plate Achaeans, wanting
To rescue the captive daughter, paying the countless ransom.
Went, carrying on the rod the gold armband of Apollo,
And addressed with the hot entreaty to the assembly of the Achaeans,
375 More to both of Atrides, the builders of the armies.
All of the Achaeans expressed the acceptance by the universal cry
To offer the honor to the flamen and to accept the brilliant purchase.
Only Agamemnon have not this decision on the heart.
No good he sent the priest by the offend word.
380 The old man went back in the anger. Far-striker Apollo
Adopted his prayer, because he is a very nice to Apollo.
The evil shooting began on the Achaeans. The warriors died
By the dense crowds. Everywhere the God arrows scamper
From the edge on the edge on a wide camp. Then the soothsayer,
385 Knowing exactly the verb of the Arrow-shooter, told him to us.
First I supply the council to kneel for the charity of God.
The anger of Atrid took. Immediately standing from the place,
He begun me to threat by the words. And his threat he done!
In the Chrise, the Achaeans caring this fast-eyed girl
390 In their quick ship and send the gifts to the Lord.
Recently the ambassadors from Atrid came in my staff
And lead Briseida, given to me by the General solution.
If just you can, stand for the brave son up!
Go to Zeus on Olympus, pray him, if you had the service
395 For his heart in the same word or a deed.
Often to have me hear by a child in the palaces of the father,
You boasted that only you are alone of the immortal ones
Was guarded black-cloud Zeus from a trouble and a shame
In the day when other Olympians was gathered to forge him, -
400 Hera, with her Poseidon and the virgin Pallas-Athena.
You, goddess, came and set free Zeus from the bonds,
Quickly calling the hundred-arms ones to the many-hills Olympus to help;
His name is Briareos in the gods, in a people - Aegeon.
He even surpasses his father by his terrible power.
405 Near the Kronion he sat in the joyful consciousness of the strength,
The gods came in the horror and did not to forge a Zeus.
Remind it him and supplicate hugging the knees.
Will not he wish to apply his assistance to the Troyans
And, beating the Achaeans out, to drive them to the most sea
410 And to the ships that the Achaeans recognized their king,
That and wide-state Atrid Agamemnon has know,
As he got a sin, so dishonored the bravest achaenas! '

Spilling the tears from the eyes, Thetis answered him:
The woe is to me, my son! Why I born you for the pains?
415 If It would be you are before the ships, no a tears, be care full
You could stay! Your age is short, and his end is near!
Now you are more short-age of all together and of all, and most of all have got an evil.
No to an fun share, child, I gave a birth to you in the fortresses!
I will go on the many snows Olympus, to the thrower of a lightning
420 I will talk all, and, perhaps, I succeed to convince him.
You are now rest so far in the fast ships,
Feed the anger on the Achaeans, and keep away from the battles right.
Zeus go to the Ocean yesterday to a feast of the faultless Ethiopians
Was departed, and all of the other immortal gods follow for him.
425 But again he will return on the twelfth day on the Olympus.
Then I will go to the cooper-threshold chambers of Kronid
And touching for his knees to plead I will try '.

So saying she departed, leaving Achilles in the place
With a heart full of the anger for the woman with a lush belt,
430 Taken by force and against her desires. Already Odyssey
Reached Chrissy and brought the holy hecatomb with himself.
Entering in the deep harbour of the Chrisy, the Achaeans lower the sail
The sails in a moment and turning its put in the black ship.
They pull the mast to the nest, hastily drop down on the ropes,
435 Sat at the oars and moor their ship to the pier.
Throwing a stone anchor, reinforced the mooring rope,
Descend on the steep ashore, boiling by the many-noise surf,
And brought the hecatomb from the vessel to Far-striker Apollo.
After and the daughter of the flamen descend on the native shore.
440 Then, having lead a virgin to the altar, many -brainy Odysseus
Transfer in the arms of the father and told him the word:
'Chris! The Lord of men Agamemnon sends me
To return the daughter to you and to bring here the sacred hecatomb
Phoebus for the Danaens, to be gracious to us the Lord,
445 In the great anger sent to us many-groaning trouble.'
So he said and handed Criseyde. And, rejoicing, the father took
The darling daughter. Meanwhile the Achaeans placed quickly
The hecatomb victim around the altar in the arrange,
Washed the arms and lifted the barley grain up.
450 The flamen prayed aloud between them with the uplifted arms:
'Kneel the hearing, silver onion one, oh you, that stand on the defense
Of the Chrisy and of the sacred Killa and supreme reign in the Tenedos!
You respond on my prayer favorably on the days
And dignify me, hitting the Achaeans by the trouble.
455 As well as and now I pray, answer on my desire
And turn away from the Danaens and now a shameful death! '

So he spoke, praying. And The Far-striker heard him.
The Achaeans began to pray, showered the grains of the victim,
Held the neck them up, stabbed and stripped the skins,
460 Then cut the hips, wrapped its by the fat in the two layers
And put the pieces of the meat on its.
The old man burned its on the woods, sprinkling by the scarlet wine.
The young men, standing around, kept in the arms the five-dent.
Set the hip to the fire and tasting the giblets of the victim
465 Other all, splitting to pieces, they pierced the spits,
Have broil its on the fire gently, and removed from the spits.
Having finished the work, they become to the rich feast.
All feasted, and a deprived ones was not on the equal feast.
Following satisfy the desire by the drinking and by the eating,
470 The young men, pouring into the craters the drink till the most top,
Spilled all on the cups, accomplishing the libation before it.
Singing all day the Achaean young men pleasuring the God.
They sang in the honor of Apollo the fine peahn,
Praising him, the far-striker. And he having fun, listening to.

475 When the sun went down and the darkness descended,
The Achaeans lay to sleep near the ship piers.
But only ascended the rose-motley one, early born Eos,
Again they moved in the way to a lengthy camp of Achaeans.
Far-striker Apollo sent the favourable wind to the Achaeans.
480 They set the white sails up, putting the mast,
The middle sail swelled by the wind, and
The purple water sea brightly boiled under the nose of the going ship;
Quickly it ran making its way on the waves.
When they reached extensive camp of the Achaeans,
485 They pull the black ship far away on the shore
And strengthened it on the high props over the sand.
Already their of all go on to their ships and on the camp.

He boil by the feud, rest at the fast ships, -
Pelid borned by the God, the hero Achilles is swift-footed;
490 He did not attend a meetings, covering the men by the glory,
And did not participate in the terrible battles. Tortured by the heart
Idly sitting, but he is languished for a military cliques and a battles.

Meanwhile the term passed, and again
The eternal-living gods on Olympus returned with the twelfth dawn
495 All together; Kronid is at the head of them. Thetis don't forget the orders
Of the son. Rising from the waves of the many-noise sea,
She had risen with the early mist on the Olympus, and on the great heaven.
She found the Thunderer seated there alone, without other,
On the highest top of the many-head mountain of the Olympus.
500 She seat before Zeus sovereign, hugging his knees
By the left arm, and touched by the right arm his chin
And began to speak, beseeching the Kronion-Zeus:
'Zeus, our father! If I had service in the past time
To you by the word or by the deal, fulfil me my desire:
505 Honor my son - he is short-age most of all.
Now the Lord of men Agamemnon hurt him:
He took the award himself, deprived, hold the extraction.
So revenge for the son, most-wise Olympic Zeus!
Grant the overcoming to the Trojans army, while the Achaeans
510 Will not come to honor the son and will multiply the honor him '.

So she said. And Kronion said her nothing.
A long time he sat silently. Thetis, as she hug,
So she had his knees and beseech again:
'Give the unbreakable vow, nod by the head in the confirmation
515 Or refuse; indeed you do not know a fear; tell to clear
I saw as sure as a little honor to me among all of the gods'.

The cloud gatherer said her with the great annoyance:
'The poor deal! You forced me to pick a quarrel
With Hera. She will do to annoy me by the abuse speech.
520 Forever she is among the gods so and so is attacked me
And says that I try to help the Trojans in the battles.
But get out now, that Hera will not notice you.
I am to everything I will do the caress while I have accomplished.
Now, I nod by the head, that you will sure firmly.
525 It is a strong pledge between the gods of the inviolability of the word,
That given I do: that word is irrevocable forever immutably
And is not able no to happen, when I nod the head '.

Kronion said and move his blue black eyebrows;
The imperishable waves of the hair from the head immortal of the Thunderer
530 Fell on his shoulders. And the great Olympus hover.

So decided, they are both farewell each with other. Thetis
Rushed into the sea deep from the glittering Olympic peaks,
Zeus turn to his house. All of the gods immediately stood from the seats up
Towards the father; none of the immortal do not dare
535 Sitting to meet the incoming ones, but all get on the feet up.

There he sat down in his chair. White Armed Hera
Understand all, seeing as he was committing about something
With the daughter of the sea old man, silver-feet Thetida.
Immediately she appeal to Zeus with a ulcer speech:
540 'Who is from the Gods again counsel with you, astute one?
Very much you love alone, avoiding a communication with me
Secretly to adopt your decision. Never you do not dare
Straight from the heart and say just an one word to me about that you decided'.

The father and of immortal and of mortal ones said to Hera on this:
545 'Hera! My decisions are not always you hope to hear.
Serious, trust me, they'll be, though you are and my wife.
That to hear is able no one will not know never
Before you -neither of an eternal gods nor of a mortal- born ones.
That of the decisions, that I am without a gods wish to consider,
550 No go to scout and you, don't do and a questioning'.

Thereon ox-eye Hera answered:
'What are the words for, the most severe Kronides, you address to me?
Do I am a questions to you so when I bother?
You can calmly decide that you want.
555 Well now I'm terribly afraid that you will be outwit
By the daughter of the marine old man, silver-feet Thetida.
Morning she sat with you embrace the knees;
Probably you verify her by the nod that you will honor Achilles,
And promised to kill the many men before the ships'.

560 Zeus collected the clouds reply to Hera on this:
'Hera, I marvel to you! All you will notice, all you will know!
This, however, to achieve anything you can't, but only
Push me out more. And you shall have worse in.
If I do that, then I want it please!
565 Better sit down and shut up, and that I say, obey.
All of the gods, how many are on the Olympus, do not help you,
If I, stand up, will put on you the arms no overcome.'

Said. And the fear invade ox-eye lady Hero.
Silently she sat, pacified her sweet heart.
570 Indignantly other heavenly gods keep silent.
Nice craftsman Hephaestus appealed to them with the same speech.
To calm the mother he want, white armed Hera.
' Such deals will be sad, and quite intolerant,
If both of you will start a feud for the mortal ones,
575 Rise the noisy quarrel before the gods! What will be
The joy of this bright feast, when the poor part triumphs!
Mother, I assure you, though you are and understand -
Make pleasant to Zeus parent, that he do not again
Became irritated never and we don't bother the beautiful feast.
580 He should be to want to, and instantly lightening maker Kronid
Knocks all out a seats: because he is much more stronger us.
Mother, try to calm him down by the soft words.
That will be merciful immediately after, the Olympian'.

So he said, and, rising from his seat, the two-handed cup
585 He filed to the cute mother and turned back to her with the speech:
'My mother, keep the spirit and be patient, no matter as is be bitter,
That you are, my dear, under the blows of Zeus
I have not seen. Then I can't, although and I repent,
To provide help to you: it's hard to resist to the Olympian!
590 He do me once et when I tried to intervene,
Seized firm for the foot and thrown from the heaven threshold.
I raced headlong all day and then only when the sun set down
I fell on Lemnos; barely only the spirit remained just.
There really the cintien men picked me up immediately.'

595 So he said. Smiled white armed Hera answer
And accept, smiled, the filled cup from the son.
Then he started to fill and the bowl the other immortal ones,
Right straight scooping the sweet nectar from the crater to them.
The blessed gods raised the incessant laughter,
600 Watching as Hephaestus, gasping, rushed in the home with the cup.

So all day long all feasted while the sun set down in the fun,
And no a deprived one on the equally feast.
They charmed the spirit by the forminga of the incomparable Phoebe,
By the singing of the Muses, by the beautiful voices singing in the turn.
605 Thereon, as a shining light of the sun set down,
To sleep the immortal gods leave, everyone go home
In those places there Hephaestus, the famous both-feet lame,
Had built the home with the great wisdom and the art.
And the lightening maker Zeus went to the bed on that
610 Usually he slept, when his sweet dream descend to him.
There he, ascend up, fell asleep, and golden-throne Hera is for him.

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