Matt Mullins Poems

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The Neural Firings Of The Eternal Starlet

They love me
this means I'm beautiful
because they love me
I'll always be beautiful

Father And Son In The Second Person

One day he will come into the bathroom
to watch you use the blade. And at five
or six or however old he still won't have
the right words, but what he'll be looking for

Wedding Poem

Forget if you will the flowers
and gowns and suits of music;
forget the priest or rabbi
or judge and see only these

Chinatown Valentine

Chinatown: a neon mantis.
Hailstones tapping a
Mandarin braille of love.

On The Birthday Of A.A. Miller's First Son

The week you were born
eighty-some people died in Waco, Texas
the wrong finale to a long stand-off
between Branch Davidians and the ATF

When The Painters Come

You once told me poetry
knocks on your door
at 6 a.m. and that flags
are killer when they fly

The Age Of Reason

You dream of naked skin
against the water in us:

How we turn our faces to the air

The Aftermath As Written On Scrap Paper

Good morning: and spit curls the half
fractured way of a moon grown soft
to crack like a rotten egg milking
over this dawn’s slow horizon:


This flesh is
as we conceive

each sparkling pin

On Sunday Morning

We kiss to flamenco
on your kitchen radio

your eyes open

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