People Just Like People Poem by Anisha Nyambe

People Just Like People

No one can hold on to wishes because just like wishes, they die.
No one can hold on to people because just like people, they cry
and just as children live abandoned by their mothers
people tend to give up on others.

People just like people, they will fail you
and they will manipulate you if they know what you've been through.
People just like people, you will put in their hands your heart thrusted
only to learn that they cannot be trusted.

And when they make it look as though they did not fail
they will bring into your life a stormy hail.
They will knock at your door and say you have been redeemed
and when you knock at theirs, you will realize what they have schemed.

People just like people, one of their temptations is to put others to shame
and another is to make love a losing game.
People just like people, they will steer you away from doing what you must
and when they can give advice, they will make you roll in the dust.

People just like people, can be very cunning
and they don't want you to crawl back to them; they'd rather see you running.

People just like people have no shame
because they will always have you to blame.

People just like people will get you in trouble and lie
and for you to earn their trust they'll have you lie to keep them safe and will make you cry.
And just like politicians, they will shake your hand now and your confidence afterwards
then once in light, they will make you fall backwards.

People just like people are mindful of what they say
so that it is easier for them to make you do what they may.
People just like people come into your life to make it hard
and to later leave you in many a shard.

I have been betrayed and used by many people and this poem expresses how I stopped trusting anyone even if I know nothing of them.
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