Thursday afternoon, September 26, 2024, begun at 2: 30 p.m. and continued at 2: 42 p.m. and 2: 50 p.m. and 2: 55 p.m.; completed and published at 3: 04 p.m.
The police proxies use a second set of house keys
that duplicate ours—for the Kwikset locks on our back
bedroom door that leads onto our back deck—come
up the back steps onto our deck and enter our back
bedroom sight unseen as they have been doing since
we moved into our present home in April of 2002,
meaning that somebody, somebodies in our own
neighborhood is/are on the lookout as to our comings
and goings before these covert break-ins happen—
when neither Kim nor I are at home! It is someone
in our own Suncreek Townhomes subdivision doing
this, most likely in concert with other neighbors here—
my French football/soccer shirts the last things stolen
from my closet along with French language books
and French dictionaries I have had to replace over
the last month, a book on Spanish verb conjugation
as well. I am now 'hoisting the police by the petard
(underwear) '—catching them, the neighbors in action!
Such is the way my eyeglasses, a set of house keys,
other Arsenal soccer jerseys, etc. have disappeared
over the years … Oh, c'est la, c'est vrais, c'est bon,
c'est droit! La verite! C'est droit! It's the same thing
that happened to poor Centre County (former) District
Attorney Ray F. Gricar when he was abducted, then
murdered in Union County Pennsylvania after police
Proxies had stolen his labtop computer earlier in the day,
April 5, 2005 from his home in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania,
then threw it in the Susquehanna River near Lewisburg,
Pa, to mislead investigators—and the public—once the
murder inquiry began following Gricar's sudden disappearance.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem