Sir Charles Sedley Poems

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Phyllis Is My Only Joy

Phyllis is my only joy,
Faithless as the winds or seas;
Sometimes coming, sometimes coy,
Yet she never fails to please;

To Celia

NOT, Celia, that I juster am
   Or better than the rest!
For I would change each hour, like them,
   Were not my heart at rest.

To Cloris

Cloris, I cannot say your eyes
Did my unwary heart surprise;
Nor will I swear it was your face,
Your shape, or any nameless grace:

Love Still Has Something Of The Sea

Love still has something of the sea,
From whence his Mother rose;
No time his slaves from doubt can free,
Nor give their thoughts repose.

To Chloris

AH, Chloris! that I now could sit
   As unconcern'd as when
Your infant beauty could beget
   No pleasure, nor no pain!

Song A-La-Mode

O'er the Desert, cross the Meadows,
Hunters blew the merry Horn ;
Phoebus chas'd the flying Shadows :
Eccho, she reply'd, in Scorn ;

Child And Maiden

Ah, Chloris! could I now but sit
As unconcern'd as when
Your infant beauty could beget

The Knotting Song

"Hears not my Phyllis how the birds
Their feathered mates salute?
They tell their passion in their words:
Must I alone be mute?"


Ah, Chloris, that I now could sit
As unconcerned as when
Your infant beauty could beget
No pleasure, nor no pain.

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