Theory Of Liberation Wind (2020)

theory of liberated wind

simple boat rowing ahead to reach the intentional destiontion of liberation port but egoistic- illusive-clever-and-tactful maya(delusion of mind, illusion of desire for false reality) make one inflation of mind-body semiotics higher and floated in wind of self-destructive energy of the zenithed text and image and tactics.
simplicity as selfdiscovery on nature of Narure.
is it farfetched?
is it simulacra?
is it astrayed reality?
barks of trees tell years of seasonal-ecological changes of multi-universal truths of quantumic possibilities. in equality of organic-inorganic beings and becomings in process art of poetry in timed-spaced changes in splashing light in nowness.

Mew Poetry To Kurt Vonnegut

New Poetry Portal To John Barth


here is concept liberation portal to selfdiscovery of the-understanding-transfornation-and-harmony openning way of reality-distilled- realization

nyein way



At the end of your life you would discover
how much you had owned yourself
and the extent to which you had given away to others


I am myself, a being pure
No need for validation or approval
My soul is my own, my heart is my guide
I'll walk this path, come what may

No longer will I seek external praise
For I have learned to love myself
My flaws and imperfections, I'll embrace
For they are what make me whole