William Bell Scott Poems

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Love And Death

‘Open the door! Thou canst not understand
My mission, thou spoilt child of many a god,
Thou who dost claim the heart for thy abode;

Art For Art’s Sake

‘Art for art's sake,’—very well,
Your picture you don't care to sell?
Yes, yes, I do, and thus I try

Dante And Beatrice

Ah, did she pass so coldly by
The tenderest love in all the earth,
Making his lifetime one long sigh,
That never knew a morn of mirth?


The widow heard Elijah's tread,
She heard his staff against the door,
She wrapped the sackcloth round her head,

A Ghost

In the first watch of the night,
One candle all my light,
I saw a Spirit near the door
Standing raised above the floor,

Raphael’s Madonna Di San Sisto

Once and once only, and no more,
Art hath reached the topmost bough;
The goodliest fruit of all his store
Our well-filled garner holds till now.

Morning Sleep

Another day hath dawned
Since, hastily and tired, I threw myself
Into the dark lap of advancing sleep.

The Foxglove:

That foxglove by the garden gate,
The very day the war began,
Opened its first, its lowest flower.

The Inferno

A celtic Saint this tale first told,
Ere Dante's birth the saint was cold,
But he in faith with mortal eyes
Had been uplifted through the skies

A Lowland Witch Ballad

The old witch-wife beside her door
Sat spinning with a watchful ear,
A horse's hoof upon the road
Is what she waits for, longs to hear,

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