Winthrop Mackworth Praed Poems

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Fairy Song

HE has conn'd the lesson now;
   He has read the book of pain:
There are furrows on his brow;
   I must make it smooth again.

The Newly-Wedded

NOW the rite is duly done,
Now the word is spoken,
And the spell has made us one
Which may ne’er be broken;

A Letter Of Advice

You tell me you're promised a lover,
My own Araminta, next week;
Why cannot my fancy discover

The Vicar

SOME years ago, ere time and taste
Had turn’d our parish topsy-turvy,
When Darnel Park was Darnel Waste,
And roads as little known as scurvy,

Everyday Characters V - Portrait Of A Lady

What are you, Lady ? — nought is here
To tell us of your name or story,

Good Night To The Season

Good-night to the Season!—the rages
Led off by the chiefs of the throng,
The Lady Matilda's new pages,
The Lady Eliza's new song;

Everyday Characters I - The Vicar

Some years ago, ere time and taste
Had turned our parish topsy-turvy,
When Darnel Park was Darnel Waste,
And roads as little known as scurvy,

A Song Of Impossibilities

LADY, I loved you all last year,
How honestly and well --
Alas! would weary you to hear,
And torture me to tell;

Everyday Characters Iii - The Belle Of The Ball Room

Years, years ago, ere yet my dreams
Had been of being wise and witty;
Ere I had done wth writing themes,

Everyday Characters Ii - Quince

Near a small village in the West,
Where many very worthy people
Eat, drink, play whist, and do their best

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