Francis Duggan June Poems


It's beautiful the Summer month of June
When all of God's own wildflowers are in bloom
And sun shines brightly most part of the day
And butterflies o'er lush green meadows play.

A Chilly Evening In June

The tiny breeding frogs are singing in the roadside drain
And the magpie he pipes in the wind and the rain
And as shades of darkness roll across the sky
The foxes are barking on the hill nearby

For Late June Remarkable Weather

The golfers on the greens are putting in their short sleeved shirts in the sun
And by the mirthful ring of their laughter it would seem they are having fun
On a beautiful morning in Winter seems more like a day in the Spring
And on trees bordering the golf course the white backed magpies carol and sing.

The Seventh Of June

The tiny frogs singing in the roadside drain
And the sky overcast it is looking like rain
And though not in any way cold enough for to snow
The wind from the hill with a chilly breath blow.

A Rainy Day In Early June

The gray sky clouded over the rain is drizzling down
And the golf course is deserted by the river near the town
An early June day in early Winter in the Southern Hemisphere
The sun in the rain clouds hidden it is that time of year

That Day In June In 68

That day in June in 68 I do remember well
At the sad news from Los Angeles and the Ambassador Hotel
Where the badly wounded Robert Kennedy in agony lay
He may have done well for the U S of A.

Mid June In Old Sliabh Luachra

The nesting birds sing in Sliabh Luachra in the leafy groves of Lisheen
And Nature's flowers bloom in the old fields and everywhere looking so lush and green
And the sheep are high on the Pap Mountains overlooking the small fields of Shrone
And the lark in the gray sky is singing above where the bracken cloaks many a stone

June Far Away

On this morning in June the trout jumping for flies
In Kippagh mountain lake where the Cails river rise
And the skylark he seems a small speck in the sky
As carolling upwards to the gray clouds he fly.

In June In Old Liscreagh

In a lush damp meadow in Liscreagh
In a rushy clump the brown hare lay
From predators well hid away
He doze and sleep for most of the day.

Written In June 01

I thought I would go home for Spring but Spring at home now over
And Summer nears her prime there now and flowers bloom on the clover
In my Homeland this time of year it can be nice and sunny
But for to get from here to there I don't have enough money.

June Day Dream

A Summer afternoon cloudless and bright
And flitting butterflies in June sunlight
In quarrelous mood above the flower decked lea
Fight it out for patch of territory.

A June Day In Duhallow

Above the slopes of Clara overlooking Claramore
The little plain brown skylark is carolling as he soar
His territorial melodies a small speck in the sky
And higher ever higher he carols as he fly.

Joe And June

To the scythe of life's reaper we eventually will fall
It is a young person's World after all
Old Joe in his local pub can only talk of the past
But only memories of what was for him does last

A June Day In The Moyne Shire

Though the sun now appears from behind clouds of gray
It has been a wet and windy and chilly start to the day
And early evening though sunny and dry is on the side of cool
In the coastal countryside between the town of Koroit and the City Of Warrnambool

A June Evening In The Moyne Shire

The sun slowly setting in the gray Winter sky
And gray kangaroos grazing in the paddock nearby
To the woodland where they do spend most of the day
Most of them wary of humans fear on their survival some part does play

In June In Duhallow

To my memory the sweet scent of grass mowed for silage or hay
In the warm breeze come wafting from meadows far away
And the chirping of young birds in the groves i do hear
In June in Duhallow a nice time of year

Warrnambool In Early June

The day it is windy and on the side of cool
In south west Victoria's coastal City known as Warrnambool
The nature strips looking green after the recent rain
After the recent long dry spell Nature stands to gain

June In Dereen

In words I can only describe the beauty I have seen
On a Summer's day in June in Dereen
Of green old Duhallow a gem in the crown
Three kilometres by the mountains west of Millstreet Town

June In Caherbarnagh

Above Caherbarnagh a lark sings today
A musical speck in the sunny sky of blue and gray
A little brown songster of human kind shy
Born on the mountain that to sing has to fly

June In Aubane

Old memories die hard as the wise one does say
The sun it is shining on Aubane today
The sweet scent of freshly mowed grass for silage or hay
For decades of years in the memory stay

Aubane In June

The sweet scent of grass mowed for silage or hay
In the meadows of Aubane in view of Mushera today
The sun intermittently peeps from behind clouds of gray
For to describe such amazing natural beauty there are not words to say

Kolor In June

In the mostly blue sky just a few clouds of gray
The sun it is shining on Mt Rouse today
And the familiar warbling flutes are so pleasant to hear
Of the magpies who sing every day of the year

For The Second Day Of June

For the second day of June and the calendar Winter such a beautiful day
The sun shining bright in a sky blue and gray
Old Illowa a month ago brown now is looking so green
As beautiful looking as it has ever been

The Arrival Of June

Though the day is not raining a cool chill about
Winter has arrived in the Land of the south
There is a certain coolness in the timid breeze
On a cool high for the day of sixteen degrees

June Has The Loveliest Smile

It is true that a smile does not cost one a thing
And a flutter of joy to someone else it might bring
June she spreads joy when walking on the street
She smiles and says hello to everyone she does meet

Fred And June

Feeling dejected and lovesick and mentally down
Fred one of the saddest young men of the town
He will remember in the future years
The downside of love and it's loveache and tears

A June Morning

An overcast sky with pregnant clouds of rain
And the magpie geese back in Tower Hill again
And i hear the distinctive call notes of the pied currawong
Of the dark birds it is said they do tell of rain in their song

A June Morning In Koroit

An overcast sky with pregnant clouds of rain
And the magpie geese back in Tower Hill again
And i hear the distinctive call notes of the pied currawong
Of the dark birds it is said they do tell of rain in their song

Coolikerane On A Night In June

In the nearby farmyard I hear a barking dog
And a male snipe is drumming o'er Coolikerane bog
And the cry of the hunting fox in the rushes near
To the moonlit bog road a night voice one often does hear

On The Last Day Of June

It is a cold day lots of wintery rain
But suppose about that one ought not to complain
Since the water dams and reserviors only half full and many creek beds are dry
One can only hope for more rain in July

June In Annagloor

The great gift of memory is a wonderful thing
Today in Annagloor the wild birds chirp and sing
And June has arrived with her beautiful flowers
That bloom in the old fields in the Summer showers

June In Duhallow

The female robin she sits in her moss and leafy cup nest
With her five speckled eggs warming to life by the heat of her breast
As her partner the male sings on a nearby tree
Proclaiming the borders of her territory.

In Ireland June A Lovely Time Of Year

In Ireland June's a lovely time of year
The curlew's flute o'er the bog one does hear
And little brown lark a musical speck in the sky
Is carolling sweetly as to the clouds he does fly

The Cold Winds Of June

The cold winds of June are blowing up from the bay
Reminds me of Winter in Ireland today
Though in the best winter day in Ireland the weather more severe
Than the very worst winter day that you have here

A June Day

Though the warbling of the magpies one does often hear
It is cool and wet in south west Victoria in early Winter of the year
The southern June is often chilly in the damp coastal breeze
And many morning though not freezing just above zero degrees

A June Day In South West Victoria

It is a cool showery and windy Winter's June day
But the magpies are singing in the park by the bay
The black and white songsters with a song quite beautiful to hear
The birds who do sing every day of the year

A Day In Mid June In Duhallow

Mid June near prime of Summer and the sky looking gray
The sun on Duhallow is not shining today
The skylark a musical speck in the sky
Above the brown hill singing as he does fly

The First Day Of June

The first day of June and the southern calendar Winter in the dawn cool and gray
The magpies are warbling for to herald the day
The long range weather forecast has June far cooler and wetter than May
But it is Summer by the mountains from here far away

In June In The Moyne Shire

In June in the Moyne Shire in the cool Winter showers
The wattle trees cloaked in their bright yellow flowers
In weather temperatures that seldom go over fifteen degrees
And never any warmth in the often strong breeze

June In Old Mushera

Sunshine in the blue sky the air it is still
A skylark is singing above Mushera Hill
A musical speck in the Summer sky
Up to the cloud World he does sing as he fly

Duhallow In June

The scent of freshly mowed grass in my nostrils so sweet
That comes wafting to me from the fields near Millstreet
Though the sky above Duhallow is overcast and gray
There is no talk of rain in the weather forecast today

The First Day Of June And The Calendar Winter

The first day of June and the calendar Winter in the Moyne Shire in Victoria South West
The sun shining bright and Nature in her green best
In the clear and blue sky just a few clouds of gray
For Winter it is such a beautiful day

A June Morning In Ballydaly

The river from the lake in Kippagh through Ballydaly winds it's way
And above the field crowded with rushes the lark carols at break of day
The young birds they chirp on the hedgerows at sun rise the sun looking red
It looks like good hay making weather a warm Summer's day is ahead.

A Morning In Late June

In the cold depths of Winter the grey butcherbird sing
And only nine weeks or thereabouts till the first breath of Spring
Five days ago of daylight hours the year's shortest day
And time it keeps ticking and ticking away.

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