Success Is Counted Sweetest

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple Host
Who took the Flag today
Can tell the definition
So clear of Victory

In The Company Of Eagles

Mountains for my mansion
The forest for my pantry
The clouds for my carpet
The sky for my curtains
The sun for my candle
The wind for my chariot
In the company of eagles

Flying above fear
Floating above failures

Tell All The Truth

Tell all the truth but tell it slant,
Success in circuit lies,
Too bright for our infirm delight
The truth's superb surprise;

As lightning to the children eased
With explanation kind,
The truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind.

Life And Daffodil

A lifelong process
That lifelong obsesses
With lifelong failure
Or lifelong success,

Then as daffodil
Must fall
Before it is noon
And nothing can heal.

Emotional Bursts

All of sudden tears roll out,
No reason whatsoever and nothing about,
No defeat, no victory and no rout,
Still reality and sudden fall out,

Emotions burst out with sudden good news,
No solution in sight but call for reviews,
No hopes for success but call for interviews,
Where chances for success are little or few,

Lines Of Success

Essence holds its dream entire,
Strengthens hope true into fire
To fit in it to be higher
To the most breezed to aspire.

Its strength with a wind-lot by,
Sprouts ambition to the sky
To bloom into a smile high.
Happiness across to fly,

A Smile

A smile
is a frown turned upside down.
A smile
is painted on the face of a clown.
A smile
brightens a dreary day.
A smile
chases tears away.
A smile
is a gift that shows you care.

**a Seed Of Awarrior Poet..Updated One

(A prose which was written few months back)

(for some of my friends whom I lost sadly today) .....

for those whom are SO holy in my mind,

You Go Alone

You go for self and wait for none
Fight it out all but one
You may loose path but never be afraid
River may change path and course not straight

Consider it struggle and not path simple,
Task you may have but not opportunity ample,
Life may be game even worst than the gamble,
It may be acid test ………….

Rock And Hawk

Here is a symbol in which
Many high tragic thoughts
Watch their own eyes.

This gray rock, standing tall
On the headland, where the seawind
Lets no tree grow,

Earthquake-proved, and signatured
By ages of storms: on its peak

Loss Of Memory

I thank the loss of my memory
Of those days when I had not a friend
I am thankful to the memory
Of those great moments when we are together

I thank the loss of my memory
Of those seconds prior to your reasonableness
I am thankful to the memory
Of the great dimple when you smile

Success Story

Does success blind the man completely?
Not wait and go for its show immediately?
If he is earthly man then will slowly digest,
Means and ways set first and then suggest,

Only clever and seasoned will be enjoying,
All of sudden success may lead to annoying,
Way of living may bring tremendous change,
Confidence enhanced and disorderly manage,

Sorrowful Ocean

Life is like vast ocean,
Full of sorrow and pain,
Joy less and worry main,
Not to loose hope and energy regain,

To Learn a lesson from each failure,
Content with less and nothing to procure,
Difficulties more but patience to endure,
No immediate result but success is sure,

The Ultimate Denial

Depression is being tired, when you're never able to sleep
Depression is pity, when you hate other's sympathy
Depression is longing for more, when you never acknowlede what's already there
Depression is the feeling of self-hatred, when the arrogance is concurrently overwhelming
Depression is the repugnance of emotional discomfort, when a sanctuary for physical affliction exists
Depression is loathing at your own success, when the ones around you prosper
Depression is perfectionism, when you could care less about anything else
Depression is the rock that you choose to constantly trip over, when all you have to do is move around it...
Depression is the ultimate cost of denial, when the truth is too much to handle


We will continue to suffer
Even with large stocks of buffer
Golden opportunities with lucrative offers
Desires will not end even with full of coffer

We go for unending wishes and lust
Search for gold in waste and dust
Priority for needs and availability must
Best things available but allow it to rust

Of A Ministry Pitiful, Angry, Mean

Of a Ministry pitiful, angry, mean,
A gallant commander the victim is seen.
For promptitude, vigour, success, does he stand
Condemn'd to receive a severe reprimand!
To his foes I could wish a resemblance in fate:
That they, too, may suffer themselves, soon or late,
The injustice they warrent. But vain is my spite
They cannot so suffer who never do right.

Missed Opportunities

Once opportunity missed means gone out of hand
Work remains undone as promised by friend
They are all missed and gone forever,
Will not come back again and lost for ever

Have you ever tried for bright carrier and success?
Constant thrust and work without any recess,
New avenues, areas and seeking complete access,
With calculated move without making excess,


Is it possible that She will have me forgiven for ambitions continually crushed,--
that an affluent end will make up for the ages of indigence,--
that a day of success will lull us to sleep on the shame of our fatal incompetence?
(O palms! diamond!-- Love! strength!-- higher than all joys and all fame!--
in any case, everywhere-- demon, god,-- Youth of this being: myself!)
That the accidents of scientific wonders and the movements of social brotherhood
will be cherished as the progressive restitution of our original freedom?...

* * Just A Word

N.B Let the comment be one word and explanation to the poem
Because the poem is for one word


Face till the tip of the world
Success your ability and shade
It is more than everything and the happiness creator
Stay safe and sound, that would be ours better


There's a miracle called "Friendship." Oh what a miracle it is
in just keepin' it real. The "Friendship" dwells way, way down deep in the heart and soul of
a person or individuals. You don't know how this "Friendship" happens, it just happens so soulfully. It is a light from the "Friendship" that provides sunlight to the soul
whenever it happens. But you know and recognize the special lift the
"Friendship" provides. The "Friendship" inspires encouragement, inspiration, joy, and motivation. When you need that special lift from the "Friendship" that keeps you