Ramesh T A Weather Poems

All Weather Love!

Love mood h1ndl1ng passion; lovers entwine into one
By tight hug Winter cold acting as catalyst and h1ss
Hard to produce warmth to overcome winter cold effect!

June Weather!

Successfully Overcoming Winter Weather Cold Time!

Successfully Overcoming Winter Weather Cold Time!

Dark and cold Winter affects people of weak health unless they have masters it;
That affects many with breathing problem due to too much pollution mixed with mist and fog;

A Way To Overcome Winter Cold Weather!

Winter cold still biting the bone all day long,
Flesh is jittery to bear weather any-longer
Leaving the weak and meek seek relief in
Some other form rather than on food or dress!

The Summer Harsh Weather!

The Sky is not with much clouds to bring rain;
A thin blanket of grey coating covers the Sky;
The heat of Sun is more than the usual level;
Unable to bear the heat, all avoid coming out!

Enjoying In Summer Weather Of Life!

Conviction based on knowledge and intellect is great,
Whereas obsession based on imagination is misleading.
Clash between the two will become fight on suspicion
Needing proof to make their positions correct forever!

All Weather Friends!

All weather friends are real against fair weather ones!
Best friendship flourishes on humour, love and frankness;
Contrary things happen if flattery dominates in there as
Decision at vital moments in life depends on true advisers!

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