Don Prem Legaspi

Don Prem Legaspi Poems

A force dwells within the edge of reason and doubt  
Between the angles of stars and empty spaces
Lingering continually behind pale and veiled shadows
Intertwining with all who seek refuge unto it's fold


My bones arose from the earth
Brothers they are to pillars of stone
Dust reclaimed, in longing of the land

alas, a longing for light
illumination's gift from a lone candle
held by a mere wick, embraced within wax
meant to be wasted by both's unison with flame

A miasma of sound enveloping
Yet a faint song keeps resounding

I beg release from thee
Obstruction from attainment
Thy kiss of the vast infinitum
Intertwining and unparalleled

Absolution taketh thee in
By force, ripped from the womb
Life both the sentence and the sin
Thy shell, for now,  entombed


Resolute deformity of fear forms tantric,
Near stratifying sense of space-time fabric
Quantum passing of the black river tides,  
Passes the mortal sense, dimmed by demise


Real eyes
Of the truest auburn hue
Able to see what lies beneath  
But chooses to remain blind

Corporeal form remains fettered
This body wanes yet Im content
For existance is tempered in strife
I strive to gain and remain 

The skies pass,  As they should
Dark as they, from suns they soothe
And light peaks through the clouds
Piercing past the shroud

Chained shell constructed
Derivative cosmic grain
Hailed mother's bosom
Soothing whispered strain


Made as I am
It is only skin
Prone to touch
To needles and pins

Invocation of words given to describe
Thine hide that hides what crawls inside
Painfully Uttered by the priests and scribes
My roots dig deeper than the ones that bore thee

I close my eyes
in the darkness, entwined
I see you
And I wait for the embrace

Thoughts are formless within one's mind
Thus Lent to it's wildness
So it requires utter vacuity to shape
A question

My spirit has a place amongst the heavens
It's own twilight throne within ebon halls
Beset by vast walls of solemn emptiness 
And proclaimed by banners of starlight

The Best Poem Of Don Prem Legaspi


A force dwells within the edge of reason and doubt  
Between the angles of stars and empty spaces
Lingering continually behind pale and veiled shadows
Intertwining with all who seek refuge unto it's fold
Emblazoned, encoiling itself upon the tyranny of the body
To lay with the cold caress of the soul
And in doing so chains with the quintessence of all
Akin to bearers nourished by their brood
And so it is, has been, and shall be, until the end of time 

Hold no fear in heart of this truth
Withhold no acquittance of pain, as thy world exhorts
For thy world is poisoned,  littered with harvested lies
Of those unable to see past what's sown in front of their eyes
Or tread past the deep boundaries of suffering
Hearken that without darkness there is no light
A duality that doesn't share the plague of morality that binds all to the infirmity of imperfection 
Fathom that the truth is inextricable in the nature of life
It lies in the Aether far above thy birthed plane of perception 
But embrace the solace of it's fallen remnants
That what pours forth rivers is the same force that drives blood
And what hails the breeze is the same force that draws breath
The soil is our brother from birth, our spouse with death
For we are drops in the sea of totality

Behest, seek this continual force
Satiate it's lust with thy own
Embrace it's eminence within
Revitalize the flames of thy spirit
A gift for thine eyes to behold the truth 
And finally be one with the whole 

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