Pallab Chaudhury

Pallab Chaudhury Poems

As you have come,
Birds sing in my mind
Creepers blossom
With numerous smells unknown….

Out of thousand galaxies
And a million of planets and stars
We have only one earth
We just live in different longitudes

Grown-up bamboo pole
While it is bent to a shape
Starts to show cracks!

The tongue, in dance
Vibrates the air molecule
To run as a wave.

Wow! Who planted these rows of tree and all...
I haven't seen but he seems to be known.
The trees, as if, all friends, praise him in rustle
Day and night by the winds sweet blown.

Came out with a knife;
Banana leaf is wagging
In disapproval!

Some words crystallise into a poem…

In idle hours of a day-
The body searches for a shadow-mat!

Seedlings- already
planted; myself, as free as
Clouds of autumn sky!

silent escape
of evening sun, leaving me
lonely sitting!

A single pigeon
Sent off on Valentine's Day
Is yet to come back!

Acid rain attack
On the face! The tall statue
Is exposed to smog.

Walking together
Cherry blossom descending
Just like confetti!

The strange thing on earth:
Viewing moon from a carpet
Of rain tree blossom!

daily passenger;
still- needs to come up to stop
to bid me goodbye!

Both on the margin;
The sun- on the horizon
Myself- on shore line!

Leaves from neighbor's tree
Gathered during summer rain
Choke our rain pipes!

While going afar
Turning to look back with tears
Rolling down from eyes!

This cloud doesn't know how to keep quiet
And surrounds pine trees to make an enigma-net;
I see, Rilbong, as if on the celluloid….

On board, the couple
started singing as the barge
is caught by the wave!

Old suspension bridge
By now, a shedded snake skin
Hanging in the air!

Pallab Chaudhury Biography

(a) Place of birth: State- Assam, India; b) YOB: 1970; c) Mother tongue: Bengali; d) Education: ME; e) Profession: Construction; f) Email:

The Best Poem Of Pallab Chaudhury

As You Have Come

As you have come,
Birds sing in my mind
Creepers blossom
With numerous smells unknown….

As you have come,
The step-stones of river submerse.
The songs of water
Turn into laughter....

As you have come,
The pen awakes up from hibernation.
Letters on the manuscript
Look with wanton eyes...

Dated: 11-10-2017.

Pallab Chaudhury Comments

Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 11 December 2022

Dear Pallab, it is a pleasure to read your poems. Wishing you a wonderful journey as a poet. May you write many more beautiful poems. With warm wishes and regards.

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Pallab Chaudhury 12 December 2022

Thank you so much for the beautiful words... Stay safe and healthy.... With best regards. .............

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 11 December 2022

Pallab is a fabulous poet. He writes short poems but they are dynamic, full of hidden meanings and wisdom.

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Pallab Chaudhury 08 March 2023

Many many thanks to you for the beautiful words........

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Nice poem but u don't have ur introduction properly

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Pallab Chaudhury 08 March 2023

True. However, you may get it in the poem.... Thank you.

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Mahtab Bangalee 01 August 2019

Poems are poems live here happily in the poetic parlor of Pallab Chaudhury He it a true genre of poet in this literary site submit many more writings of out as well as in-sight!

6 1 Reply
Pallab Chaudhury 08 March 2023

So nice to have comments from you....Thank you.

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Prabir Gayen 23 March 2019

A poet of rere talent... beautiful mind and soul...God bless you.... thanks

7 1 Reply
Pallab Chaudhury 08 March 2023

Thank you for the beautiful remarks...

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Pallab Chaudhury Quotes

The law is amended implying that truth is relative.

An oxide coat itself protects the parent metal from its oxidation.

Being soft as petal and tough as steel...

Better opening of joint than tearing of cloth for a longer life…

Painting of sharp edge makes a tool blunt.

Power is the responsibility to accomplish...

The camouflage is to fool the stronger predator and the careful prey as well.

Art is the expression of impersonal idea of an individual.

Eyes can't follow the path of light so is the illusion out of a refraction.

Having a mouthful of water a fish can't speak.

A false commitment also sounds true if it's not from the same individual.

Targeting a bond strength equal to that of a brick for economy.

Having a strength of a concrete post as well as that of a steel bar.

A thumb impression is more authentic than a signature in the digital world.

Good is gold but practical is a bold.

A thought, to an outlet, runs out with jumps.

A repetition causes boredom but most often it's a basis to draw an impression.

His inner beauty reflects on the work which he does.

Hope is the thing that works making a torque.

Self love- the first step to be loved.

The Moon we recall for its light and not for the spot on it.

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