Struggling Poetry

Struggling Poetry Poems


I am tired but
This is not the tired I am able to satisfy with sleep
Not the sleep you know of
It can be satisfied with my sleep


There is no more love in my heart
You don't seem to care
I have this deep pit in my heart
I call it despair

You came into my cold dark forest
You produced small sparks for when I was cold
You showed me warmth that seemed innocent
But those sparks turned into a small fire

Do something
Do anything to make me hate you
Give me a good reason

These blankets should keep me warm safe protected
But how do you warm a heart
How do you protect your mind
And how could I stay safe

I have a feeling in my gut eating away at me
While you sit content and happy
I am silently screaming as loud as I can
While you joke and laugh

I know things about you others don't
I know the things you say in your thoughts
I know the things you do that others do not see
And everything you have said that I will always remember

I have no clue
What it is you have done
To make me love you
As the moon loves the Sun

The Best Poem Of Struggling Poetry


I am tired but
This is not the tired I am able to satisfy with sleep
Not the sleep you know of
It can be satisfied with my sleep
The sleep that is everlasting
The sleep many never awake from
My eyes are closing
And I don't want them to open again
I don't want to see, hear, or feel
Yet they are seemingly forced open
There is a person hovering over me
I know this person
I see you every day
In everything I do
I have always seen you
You have grown so fond of me
As I have grown to you
Yet I never believed you wanted me here
Until now
You refuse to give up on me after all this time
After all the hurt I have caused you
You won't let me fall
Into my sleep
I have the urge to apologize
For everything
For the salty water dripping down their cheeks
For you begging me to stay awake
For your arms that you feel the need to constrict me with
For me only able to sit here doing nothing; still affected by my attempt to sleep
I'm so sorry
I wrap my arms around you as well
Loosely, for all my energy has been drained
And the salty water present on your cheeks is now present on mine
I close my eyes and fall asleep
You will make sure of that
Thank you for being here
And thank you for staying
I'm sorry

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