Barry Blander

Barry Blander Poems

Here I sit, late at night, bones languish.
But I know somewhere, your voice melodiously peals, morning church bells
I wonder, will it ever end, this dolorous anguish
But I glance at your face in my heart, and know that therein your indomitable spirit dwells.

Subdued voices in prayer softly humming
Tremulous fingers on string of harp gently strumming
Children, imbued with the wan moonlight scatter and strew
Branches of leafy palm along the road, chanting:

Behold, the Lamb of God whose face did shine,
John saw approaching; in apprehension
Trembled with joy seeing the Son Divine
Conceived by God's holiest intention.

Your eyes flutter
(Frightened flocks
Of birds in flight)
Your pursed mouth;

Wafting through perennial verdant trees
I espied a small window of sunlight;
On her tiptoes whispers the bashful breeze,
Nascent and seductive the silk twilight.

Far, the son went to another nation
Spent his father's money on harlots, drink;
Consumed by sin: low, sordid and ancient.
Money spent, into poverty he'd sink

How does one measure another man's pain?
What compass describes pain's circumference?
In a ward my good friend vents sorrow's rain
Anguish hid, today given prominence.

Long sweeping rains
And fleeting figures
Crossing bold streets
Of tinsel glamour

The blazing stars benedictory wheel
Girdles Earth in enamored serenade;
Writes Holy secrets no one can unseal
Except by babes for whom Heaven is made.

Our souls purchased
At a price
Man cannot fathom
Delivered are we

Fingers of snow
Flicker silvery
In the nascent night.
Somewhere apple blossoms shimmer,

Find myself in woman
Lose myself in women

Plough earth
Watch the ocean's rebirth

Nailed to splintered wood of the Sacred Cross
Your fathomless eyes wept a sea of blood
Each falling tear weaving a dance of loss
The world, now virgin, out of earth-swept flood;

Under a billowing canopy of stars
As pale as the drifting snow
Dawn disrobes her wedding gown
Steps ankle-deep into a river

In a canoe of bark are my daughters of chastity
As the warbling lark, swiftly they paddle down
The running waters of rhapsody;
How they flew down the frothy river's rapids.

Dimly, shrouds of mist part and a speckled faun
Dances up to the brides-maid's kiss; in a clearing
Of deep, green forest the mellifluous tones of an ivory harp
Float in the shimmering twilight; the songs unravel,

Saul mounted the horse with his band of men
Strong-minded in his mission of conquest
Going forth from gates of Jerusalem
Chastiser of the Cult, he'd be the best.

Oh Lord,
Hide me amongst
The roses strewn
Along your wrist

Spirit, fire, water
Immaculate daughter
Whom God chose
Incline thy ear

The Best Poem Of Barry Blander

The Last Mile

Here I sit, late at night, bones languish.
But I know somewhere, your voice melodiously peals, morning church bells
I wonder, will it ever end, this dolorous anguish
But I glance at your face in my heart, and know that therein your indomitable spirit dwells.

I long to be swept away in your riptides of desire
But am fearful to climb the next rung on the ladder
Afraid of falling when you could wing me ever so much higher
And on my cell window, rain beats steadily, pitter-patter.

How can I endure this smothering dark, this incessant pain?
You are nearer to me than my heartbeat, yet so far...
I slash open my soul and there seeps out the crimson blood's stain
And sadly I know no way to overleap the bar.

Yet, if you turn to me with your sweet, golden smile
Will free me from these confining prison walls
Swear I would walk a thousand till I came to the last mile
And once there, in your arms uncloak myself of these blackest palls.

Because as night is black and day suffused with light
I know love shall surely prevail
So let the stars blind me and deprive me of sight
Your eyes, luminescent, will guide me out of this jail.

And white will become black and black become white
And black will blot into deeper black and white will deepen into deeper white.
Thus, the eternal circle endlessly turns
But for you my passion on a wheel blazes and burns.

Come, let us open this prison door
And cling to each other in the rain ever more.

May 23,2012

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