Clarisse Austria

Clarisse Austria Poems

I remember oh so well,
A tale too clear, like a bell.
Replaying scenes of your goodbyes
A never-ending loop of lies

I wish upon the star,
You and I collide
I wish upon the star,
Meet my eye, read my mind

I believed I was fine,
But in silence, tears escape from my melancholic eyes.
I'm drowning in the stream filled with too much sadness,
That's when I know I'm never really fine.

Loving you painfully,
Why'd depart so suddenly?
Lingering to the memories of a person you were once,
Nostalgic of our first dance.


I was never fine since I left that funeral
Each day carries the weight of sorrow
Life, never the same anymore
Deprived of chances, a bittersweet memorial

I wish upon the star,
You and I collide
I wish upon the star,
Meet my eye, read my mind

Teardrops from the sky,
The rhythm of raindrops, a melancholy lullaby.
I feel the gravity on this space
In the waiting shed, I find my solace place.

The Best Poem Of Clarisse Austria

Aching Soul

I remember oh so well,
A tale too clear, like a bell.
Replaying scenes of your goodbyes
A never-ending loop of lies

Just like yesterday it seems,
A heartache wrapped in haunting dreams.
Words you spoke before you flew,
A sword you stabbed aches my soul

In the dark abyss,
Yearning for release,
Relapse drags me back,
Where I lost my peace.

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