Kinsley Lee Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Ode For Twin Star

-In Memory of the Air-Force Pilot, the Father Myung-Ryul Park, and his Son In-Chul Park…

The hillside is dusky when the sun set in the west,
The riverbank the road lights flash on the dandy creased

The Autumn In Life

In early morning, whenever open the eyes,
It flows that the unrecoverable old stories, suddenly.
The autumn airs are whirling like the spring tides,
The regrets and sorrows surges upon to me.

The Song Of The Tae-Mountain

Sah-Eon, Yang

Even the Tae-mountain is high,
But the limit is the sky.

Another Hometown

Dong-Ju, Yoon

On the night of the day when I came back
At same room, my skeleton was running after and lying

The Sad Tribes

Dong-Ju, Yoon
The white washcloth is wrapped the black brains.
The white rubber shoes are hung on the rough feet.

생의 입김

생의 입김

생의 입김
태양을 숨쉬고

At Summer Dawn

At dawn, through the open window embrace,
Whispers of weeping voices reach to my bed.
But down the park, to the grove I tread, where
The chorus of insects' hushes, silence spread.

My Mentor

Yun-Mi, Lee

I've a mentor whom I can't forget in my lifelong
When I was at the crossroad in a life or death,

The Legend Of The Zelkova Tree

There's a big zelkova tree on the hill,
Long ago, in my child days at home town.
Under it my grandmother waited me on the hill
Whenever I visited her house in home town.

On The Muddy Flat

Sang-Cheol, Han

On the muddy flat,
At dusk, a girl digs out clams,

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