Bidyarnab Das

Bidyarnab Das Poems

When we are in class, we are students, When they are in the class, they are teachers,
When we write over their writing, it is overwriting, when they write over our writing, it is correction.

When we gather to discuss, it is gossip, When they gather to discuss, it is meeting.

As I wake up in the morning I saw the sunshine in the window As I go into the garden, I saw the flowers as they grow.

The trees in the mountain Gives us fresh air to inhale, It gives us water every day, And fulfilling life in every way.

There are eyes upon you, Watching you everyday. And their ears quickly take your words.

They praise when you do good, Displease when you misbehave.

Trees and plants are our life, we have to tell this to everyone.
We have to stop the cutting of trees.
This message has to reach every person in the world
Trees and plants have to be saved. Trees and plants have to be saved.


We living on this earth,
Tell me, what are you doing?
Everyone is ruining everything here,
And live in pride.

In fields of green and skies of blue,
Adventure waits for me and you.
With hearts so full of endless glee,
Let's explore where the wild things be.

With the feeling of joy, every Mother starts her day,
Takes care of every family member, With the feeling of joy

When the child cries When other tries, to stop, but the child doesn't stops, finally the mother came, and child stops

Mother is the earth, mother is the sky, mother is the God, if there is a mother then everything is there, the bundle of work is never carried on the shoulders and she says uff.

Mother is the only solution to children's worries.

In whispers soft, enchanting, heard,
A symphony of magical words.
Through twilight's veil and starlit night,
They dance and weave, a spell's delight.

Ink flows from a slender tip,
Crafting tales with every dip.
On parchment white or canvas bare,
The pen weaves dreams with utmost care.

In the dance of life, we often stumble,
Faltering steps, our spirits humble.
But failure's grip, though it may seize,
Can't define us, or our dreams appease.

The clock of time keeps ticking,
Don't wait for anyone.
No one has any value for this,
He who uses it knows it


God's wrath keeps breaking
cities turning into ruins
the body shudders
see the wave of terror

Nature's play is unique,
Somewhere raining water, flowing rivers,
There is a raging sea somewhere,
So there is a quiet lake somewhere.

Nature showers love on us like a mother.
Nature gives us so much without asking...
Nature provides sunlight during the day
Nature brings cool moonlight at night…

We have received many gifts from nature
All these gifts are very precious
Their names are air, water, tree etc.
We can't pay their price

The mountain says with its head raised,
You too become tall.
The ocean says with waves,
Bring depth to your mind.

From the day a child is born The child's fate is decided by the Mother. She spends day and night Taking care of her child. Having a lot of thought For the future of the child, She works so hard to earn a penny. Her child's world has a bright future. She loves and cares for her child So much that nothing could compare.

She has a lot of wishes Not even the precious gem could replace. But a doubt always remains Whether her child would grow up To fulfill her WISHES and EXPECTATIONS

Grow more trees,
More and more you can,
Stop killing wild animals,
Avoid using plastic bags,

It was homemade and primitive,
like pulling a tooth with a string
and a slamming door, like taking out
an appendix by kerosene light

The Best Poem Of Bidyarnab Das

Students And Teachers

When we are in class, we are students, When they are in the class, they are teachers,
When we write over their writing, it is overwriting, when they write over our writing, it is correction.

When we gather to discuss, it is gossip, When they gather to discuss, it is meeting.

When we are found in the library, it is bunking, when they are found in the library, it is research work we are found outside the classroom, we are being pumshed. hey are found outside the Principal's office, they are waiting.

When we do wrong, we are idiots, When they do wrong, they are human beings.

When we copy from others, we are cheaters,

When they copy from others, they are quoting.

When we do not do our work, we are lazy,

When they do not do their work, they are busy.

When we think in the class, we are day dreamers,

When they think in the class, they are philosophers.

When we tell jokes in the class, we are buffoons, When they tell jokes in the class, they are humourous.

Bidyarnab Das Comments

Bidyarnab Das 29 May 2024

Thank you 🙏🏻

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Gayatri Phukan 27 April 2024

Very nice poem Bidyarnab..I am from Moran Assam

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Bidyarnab Das Quotes

'Help your older, If you are young, Help the poor, If you are rich, When you are angry, Hold you tongue'

''Accept and respect we all are different''

'Do not observe what others are doing, observe what you are doing'

'Respect others, then others will respect you'

'Time is valuable, as it doesn't returns'

'In this earth, most valuable things are your mother and father'

'Respect your parents, then others will respect you'

'Behaviour is important then knowledge, as sometimes knowledge fails and behaviour can handle the situation'

'If you are in good way, nobody can stop you'

'Do not get demotivate, be confident and motivate yourself'

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