Leila Kay

Leila Kay Poems

Fingers mesmerizing cool and soft against skin
Tongues softly seeking whipping tasting lingering
Arms clutching holding wrapping enfolding yearning
Love making Love

When one day missing you becomes unbearable
I will seek you out from deep within the ocean of my memories
Walk on the sands of time till it lead me to your sunkissed shores
Where our journey ended and love will once again be reborn

Each night Lily lay down her weary head
She pulled her pillow closer
Turned her face buried it deep as it soaked up all the silent tears
She cried, she begged,

Wilde Angel the sun that brightens my every day
Wilde Angel the brightest star that lights up my darkest night

I want to sleep if this is a dream
I want to lay beside you
Watch you awaken
I want you to kiss my eyes shut

With his loving fingertips he beholds with the eyes of his heart
Each and every curve still virginal in his mind
With longing eyes he gazes lovingly at the lifeless piece of clay
Nameless shapeless

I want you to know...
That rite now
This moment in time
My true happiness

There is a place, a secret divine place where dreams do come true
Painted in every hue....said he

Let all the colours shower upon you my love

An Eternity defined

An eternity defined by love

Till death do us part..
Vowed I..
I loved and honoured you

You took from me a blank page
You composed on it a song of true love
You filled it with beautiful rose scented words
You taught me life was for the taking

Place your hand in mine feel the pleasure no more the pain
Rest your weary head upon my breast and feel no more the anguish
Let me caress your pained and heavy heart with whispers of unspoken words
Caste aside the anger that once festered on betrayal let not our broken hearts taunt

You walked away
Left me forsaken, abandoned
No kiss no embrace no goodbye
Silently fell the rain, washing away my tears

I need peace, quiet tranquility
Im surrounded by so many yet im so alone
So much joy yet so much sorrow
I feel the loneliness suffocate the air

Life is a to be discovered dream
Unforsaken waiting to be awakened

Love is an uncherished moment yet to be tarnished

I lay before you a barren place
What was once filled with desire and laughter
Beauty and joy
Once untarnished

If I am the sorrow....you are the uplifting joy
If i am the rain....you are the dazzling sun
If i am the wound...you are the healing balm
If i am the tear....you are the smile that soothes

Pray tell me heart...Why do these eyes of mine shed tears
Why oh why tonight these eyes...
These eyes that once thirsted to catch a glimpse of you drown in the Ocean of your memories
Oh these eyes of mine...

Standing in the open in a crowd of loneliness stood the dying Tulip
The heavens opened up and the rain fell upon the earth
No rain showered upon her. it escaped her drenching lovingly everything around her
She began to wither and wilt and love and life began to leave her

My eyelids lingered in the throes of sleep
Your warm breath fanned my hair
A finger traced my lips
My heart fluttered like a butterfly

Leila Kay Biography

Well...i wish i had lots of fun and fancy things to tell you about myself but the simple truth is im just Leila. I have always loved poetry and find it very relaxing and feel it has a very calming effect on my soul. Very recently I lost three of the closest people from my life and writing poetry has helped me come to terms with my anger grief and loss. Please read enjoy and of course feel free to share your thoughts with me. Love Leila XXX)

The Best Poem Of Leila Kay

Love Making Love

Fingers mesmerizing cool and soft against skin
Tongues softly seeking whipping tasting lingering
Arms clutching holding wrapping enfolding yearning
Love making Love

Bodies yours to mine moulding wanting
Caressing touching electrifying
Silken subtle gentle
Wild and wonderful
Feathered touch
Crushed rose petals

Breaths heavy hot hard
Molten Volcanic
Fiery delight

Essence of love
Unforgettable irrisistable unimaginable

Lavender Chamomile Jasmine
Sweet sultry
Amazingly beautiful

Fantasy Dream Reality
Love making Love

Leila Kay Comments

Jerry Hughes 06 May 2007

Young lady, you understand and write about human suffering very well. You're also very bright and perceptive - so don't let the past, however awful, smother you now. Hugs 'n' all, Jerry

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 06 May 2007

Leila no matter what you say, you are so good and it flows from your heart with so much feeling, it makes you think and it makes you feel your writing is number one with me... Andy xxxx

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Cecelia Warner 24 April 2007

I am new to PoemHunter but I have one thing to say...AWESOME poem! ! !

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