Owembabazi Bennitah (Kirabo Writes) .

Owembabazi Bennitah (Kirabo Writes) . Poems

Only imagining how worse life could be without a mother,
For her love for me is beyond what can be considered rich or rare,
Dearer than eye sight.

In shadows deep
Where I dwell in denial
Where truth is shunned against me.

In the soft glow of the day light
A smile emerges
So pure and bright.

The Best Poem Of Owembabazi Bennitah (Kirabo Writes) .

Mother: The Most Treasure I Hold

Only imagining how worse life could be without a mother,
For her love for me is beyond what can be considered rich or rare,
Dearer than eye sight.

Space and liberty,
To whom would I inform my difficulties,
In this unfair world.

So many questions without answers,
It's only because of her motherly love,
That one reaches the heart of the matter.

Irrespective of how complicated the situation may be,
A mother will always get a solution,
She gives all courage and ways how a girl child can overcome the devils of the world.

Indeed Mum,
You're the most treasure I hold,
I love you, I need you Mama.

You are the reason,
Am here today,
May you live to see your great grand children.

Sweet Mother,
I will never,
Forget you.

Owembabazi Bennitah (Kirabo Writes) . Comments

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