christopher murphy

christopher murphy Poems

The smouldering ashes relight,
as love kindles and nurtures
the new flames of desire.
Slowly they turn from ash grey

Unable to offer any directions,
i stood and watched her drift away.
Tacking her way across the ocean,
with a heart shaped sail.

so the chains finally break
i am set free
it is no longer us
but back to being me

i see your lips moving
yet i hear no voice
i see your eyes looking
yet see no emotion

i know your out there
searching for me
as i search for you
i know your out there

Do you really exist
my dream of a soul mate?
I feel you,
as i feel the fresh breeze in my face

oh my love,
my fair sweet love.
how i miss your tender kisses,
each one reminding me of a reason i love you.

can you love me
can you mend my broken heart
can you be there when i break down
can you be my support when i stumble

am sick of crying all these tears
since i left my home
its been a few years
all i want is someone to share

The Howling wind,
outside my window.
Rounding up the autumn leaves,
like wild horses.

Nirvana stirs inside of me,
yet i still cannot find my way.
Will it be tomorrow,
will it be today.

dont be sad,
the love is not lost.
the dreams we made,
of days much longer,

staring at a bright screen
into the early hours
where restless souls gather in the night
to talk about their sorrows and their plight

bonded by emotions
of sorrow and pain
nothing to lose
everything to gain

i can sit and talk,
without the need for words.
i can hold your hand,
without the need for reason.

as i walk along the shore,
the waves spilling up the beach.
it seems their trying to whisper to me,
as up the sand they reach.

The early morning sun creeps into the room
with the promise of a new day.
i stir from my sleep
an unfamiliar room greets me


I look at you with eyes of wisdom
your youth and beauty a sight to behold
the way you lay in my arms totally at peace
like a rose in the early morning sun


Let me in your dreams
let me in your heart
let me in when were together
let me in when were apart

If you find love, like the love we shared,
then love it.
If you find passion, like the passion we shared,
then light it it.

christopher murphy Biography

I work for National Grid as an Emergency Gas Engineer. I live in Nottingham. I have two wonderful sons. I enjoy reading and writing poetry.. I just wish i had more time to enjoy it. The last few years have been a real journey of life and soul searching. These poems represent part of my life...all are based on experience...)

The Best Poem Of christopher murphy

A New Love.....

The smouldering ashes relight,
as love kindles and nurtures
the new flames of desire.
Slowly they turn from ash grey
into a glowing ember.
Reinvigorated by a caress of feelings.
As the embers glow,
so small flames from within are lit.
Each one reaching for the sky,
as rekindled feelings flow over them like oxygen,
breathing new life.
The feeling of rebirth fills the body.
Like a phoenix rising from the flames
and so love rises from them,
in all its splendid glory.
The ashes of the past forgotten.
New life, new feelings.
Passion, desire.
A lust for new life fills the air.
Renewed vigour radiates
from a rejuvenated heart.
For all the world
to see and hear.

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