Dr. Insha Iftikhar

Dr. Insha Iftikhar Poems


I am not lost! I lost Myself
I lost my soul
I lost my pride
I lost my joy


I know,
Belonging is a trap
And, the Guardian:
a polite title of the Master.

The rain
The candle
The mirror!
Oh! I wish I had a perfect expression!

In the shade of the fall
A walk through the
Deserted lanes.
With a heavy heart,

Eyes, beautiful eyes!
Full of tears,
See the world,
All blurred.

You nasty
Beating thing!
I hate you!

Beautiful, dark, wild!
Can dark be peace?
Can loud be music?
Can broken be healing?

I want to be Happy
But, Dear Diary
I am a sad person.
I am the Shahid

My Princess
I knew it was

The Best Poem Of Dr. Insha Iftikhar


I am not lost! I lost Myself
I lost my soul
I lost my pride
I lost my joy
I lost the book
I lost the pen
I lost the rain
I lost the giggle
I lost the poem
I lost the room
I lost the garden
I lost the dream
I lost didi
I lost gogo
I lost the song
I lost the word!
I lost you
I lost everything
Alas! I did not lose my breath! ! !

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