Priyanka Bhowmick

Priyanka Bhowmick Poems

A day full of anxiety,
my thoughts meandering around,
like a kite rafting in the sky.
A puff of wind in my mind inside,

A tree, so sole,
yet so familiar with all,
gives shade under its branches,
an intimate friend,

The black thick untied hair of the night,
nature in its bed with soundless sleep,
silence enjoying the moonless night,
Depth of sleep in my eyes,

she's the core love of a poet,
beautiful, serene, she...
but no more her beauty remains,
for she's being murdered..

Swarming up to my spines,
The lusty fingers,
As I walk,
In the silent wind.

A dream terrified,
have lost my sleep at night,
don't know the reason why,
it has captured my sight.

I stand on your empty paths,
in times of distress and sorrow,
when life turned off his face from you,
to hold your bare hands,

I peep into my empty mind,
where lots of dilemma together combined,
thoughts that haunt me day and night,
the fire that burns with a feeling of delight,

Look at her,
she's smiling now,
when the sun emits its light,
and it spreads over the sky blue.

It's been 10 yrs.,
when I last saw your face,
when you looked into my eyes,
the reflection of your face made me look more younger.

Into the midst of the thick darkness,
where no trees, no mountains can be seen,
what can be seen is only black,
far away towards the mountain,

Do not try to hold it in your hands,
Let it go on, let it move on,
For it shalt not come anymore, so
Let it go on, let it move on.

I am not a poet,
Nor a philosopher,
a common mass I am,
just like you.

the time before I leave for the sky...
I want you to be by my side...
explore with me round the corners of the earth...
to touch the zenith, reach for the stars.

Passing everyday through the plains,
I see a old man sitting,
Over the bench he sits,
with a stick in his hand and a ball on the other.

When silence is transformed into a scream,
the dark phases of life can be seen,
when the mind turns blind,
and nothing can be figured out,

Thou who maketh the darkness shine,
Gleaming till the end of the night,
Relieving the old from his blindness,
Preventing to lose his sight.

My eyes were watery
you did not see
and turned blind.
I kept expecting

The night grows old with your remembrance,
still u do not come.
The empty path screams out your name,
still u do not come.

Within a second the fire took place
that's what happening in the human race
victim came to be the poor cop
burning into the flame on the road top

Priyanka Bhowmick Biography

Priyanka Bhowmick an amateur poet, homemaker and online freelance writer. She had been publishing her works in several online journals and ezines like Fried eye, Sketchbook, Haiku-it, A handful of Stones, Boloji, Cynic Mag, Vox Poetica, etc.)

The Best Poem Of Priyanka Bhowmick

A Day Full Of Anxiety...

A day full of anxiety,
my thoughts meandering around,
like a kite rafting in the sky.
A puff of wind in my mind inside,
as if there's no one to guide.
My emotions dumbfounded,
I love not, nor hate,
I weep, I cry, unaware of what is getting by,
I am all isolated, no friends beside.
My feelings rushes and crushes,
tears from my eyes they stream,
as if I am accused,
and my sentiments about to blow.
I know not this feeling,
nor am I hurt by any,
a day full of anxiety,
has left me depreciated by thoughts many.

Priyanka Bhowmick Comments

Catrina Heart 11 July 2009

A Blade Framed At Birth Carouse - Cocaine metaphors Addictive to its sparkling magnetism Its crystalline simile plays like trumpet Resonates the alluring witty phrases Mastering euphoric blade – framed Dawn - A true poetess page ------- A person who has a passion on her craft. A true talent that soars high, a true poet who can write a poem in an instant, in a single snap of the mind....It runs through the veins and blooms in her page! Love Lots, Catrina Heart

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in my poem 'broken promises', it was my best chick friend who made me choose between her and my boyfriend...

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Ravindra Nadiya 29 May 2009

really good poem about which your title says.....

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