Zae Black

Zae Black Poems


I cast my spell
On the unknowing
And the knowing
I help people with spells

I draw green eyes.
I draw him.
Who is he?
I don't know.

O snow that glitters on the ground
That slowly falls and covers fall
Your the purest of white as you fall from heaven
Blanketing the woods and condemning it to silence

Why can't I forget you
I just want to push you out of my heart because you broke my heart
But you won't leave
Why won't you leave

Nobody knows
What's happening to me
Nobody knows
The new kid's secret

It's wierd
When you have 2 sides
And when you have to pretend you are somebody else
Just to please someone


Words are powerful

I am she
Who is called Mother
I look after my children
I make them blossom and bloom

I feel the warmth and love
As it passes by
I see kites
Soaring high in the sky with the friendly breeze

I have painful ones
Their are some that are evil and some with superior beauty
They flash by every time I close my eyes
They give me hope and frustration,


Snow falls
It blankets the land with its sorrow and bitterness
It gleams in the sun
But its stays cold never touching warmth

Locker can I tell you...
A secret
Its one that is dear
It is in a place deep and dark

I'll always be remembered as the girl you passed in the hall
Never more never less
I'm there in an instant and gone in a flash
Invisible to all and only noticeably to those who seek

'Whoo, who's there' The owl calls into the night
'No one' I reply as I dash through the trees
'Whoo, who's there' the owl asks the trees
'No one' I say as I dance above the trees

A sadness deep inside

For the one who forever sleeps

The Flames lick the building

Hungry for more thaan just wall

A tree whispered ''Ask him''
I say ''I can not''
It whispered ''Yes you can you are brave enough and we believe in you''
Then I whispered ''I'm sorry''

A gothic girl wanders the streets and alley ways looking for her friend
She hears someone following her
She turns around
And she sees this pale hot figure behide her


I am a oracle
I speak of prohecys
I answer all questions
I can tell the furture


I feel tired
I go to sleep
I dream of darkest
I have a nightmare

Zae Black Biography

First of all I'm a girl. I have 2 sisters and 2 birth brothers.I was adopted.I'm a goth.I play lots of sports.I play football, Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, and Baseball. My favorite class is P&E. My faveorite game is Capture the Flag. I'm very creative. I also write music, songs, poems, and stories. I'm an artist I paint, sketch, and draw about almost anything. I'm a cool chilled back girl who is lazy and hangs out with friends all the time. I love anything supernatural and my nick name is Z or She Wolf. Also I'm a girl with a deep dark secret.)

The Best Poem Of Zae Black


I cast my spell
On the unknowing
And the knowing
I help people with spells
But yet I can't cast
One simple spell to make someone fall in love
I try and try
But I still can't
I just wish I could
Then I can make everything Better

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