Dawn Novus

Dawn Novus Poems

There a sky deep and dark

And eternity it reaches into my thoughts

What more pretty can there be
Than rainfall
On gentle trees
On a monless

The Crow

I Know


Beautiful one
It had begun
I touched your face
And unearthed the sun

You are so clever
So I love you
You are crazy
So I love you

The river beside me, unmistakable sounds

The sun has just come out from the clouds

My ten year one

My beloved son

I only caught a lonely glimpse of You

As the stars fell away to adorn the other side of the wide


I looked all over for you
I looked all over for you
I broke my heart into
For you..

Beautiful love of mine

The rays are caught in your shine

Red yellow pink and green

Purple orange and blue

Through the tumultuous night the storm reigned

The kite I held so tight caught away on the winds

Well i just kissed a butterfly

Butterfly kisses on a butterfly

Then blows the wonderful wind
to the secret corner of him
his hedonistic heart has
calmed in the dead doldrums

He came in on a sunny day
Complete and charming devil may
All tousled and disheveled stood
Atop his fortress


This time
As never before
Swimming in such sweet thoughts
The king of my heart

Hand on mouth
Failing so wicked to contain
This subtle intense pleasure in pain

Oh you are sweet cherry to me
Oh how tangled this web is weaved
For I love and I love sweet cherries
Set before God

My mother calls out..
"Wait, here, I found it! "
And...places a hard cover book in front of me.
It is tattered and falling apart and the best looking book I have seen.

Dawn Novus Biography

For there to be poetry.. a heart must be open and the soul burning with the flame of life and it's passionate dance. Word's woven from the poet inspired evoke in one such a direct pathway to the divine in us as nothing else can. Velvet is the touch and seeing through another's eyes is a rare gift..beauty to our humaness..beauty to our striving hearts and unites us in our uniqueness.. never the hue that shines just like you.)

The Best Poem Of Dawn Novus

Faith Under Fire

There a sky deep and dark

And eternity it reaches into my thoughts

And in you, my faith in love burns on

On for the song with no end

I see you, a strangers face

In the lonely waning sea tides this night

So that if I were to lose these eyes of mine

I know I would find you

By the veins of your love meridian lines

The pulse of your yellow gold soul

A beacon to draw me to you, my Marco Polo

Touches me so deep, touches me so deep

And my faith in love burns on

Burns on like a song

Calibrating in constant orbit of soft resplendent eyes

I search my edges to find you rounded in the corners

And spiteful thorns have taken to prefer a smooth stem

And grateful my hands lifting roses with no pain added

This is why my faith in love burns on

Burns on like a song

Conveying what my faith is built upon

It is a meticulous and beautiful unrelenting attention

It is a pure and unadulterated feeling of connection

A babble of sweet murmurings in love, always

Just under the way of sound it plays

Keeping me steady on and strong

I have no idea how to behold a view so imperative to me

And so, this is why love, this is why

My faith in love burns on

Dawn Novus Comments

its me. 23 February 2019

i love you.

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Binayakumar Mohanty 23 October 2018

Dear poet.Your style and composition is unique.Your poems are different from those in the site.The themes are also lively.I loved some of your poems.Regards. Binaya

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