Daniel Ikechukwu

Daniel Ikechukwu Poems

From Oblivion: To die is powered!
as To live is genuine power,
custody of potency speaks…
This is what I have been structured

A narrative poem on the very tales that the very Nigerian indigeons heard in time past.
The gong of the owl sounded, when melodiously we hastened to hear of the sanctuary filled with rodents, discovered after the general's return. Mammals that sought for the land's file then feasted on it, they lamented. Another bamboozling music to loot the treasury dry.

It is a useless wish
Desiring to be another
Acknowledging not your content.

Nigeria's Independence Maxim.
Years long ago, In Africa's largest nation,
We agreed and called it truism in notion
That Independence and freedom did celebrate

I am wise and stupid
All is dark yet pellucid
Always amicable and amateur
Yet appears strictly hauteur.

Ten young maths students
Left college to dine
One was poisoned to death
Then they were nine.

The Morrow's parcel-UnknownTo reap we wait but have sown

The heart that trembles is feeble

Daniel Ikechukwu Biography

Daniel Ikechukwu famously known as Daniels I. Daniels is a young writer who hails from Nkanu East LGA, Enugu State, Nigeria. He started poeting since 2013 and has come up with innumerable thoughtful quotes and articles. He is currently a medical student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University.)

The Best Poem Of Daniel Ikechukwu

...Shall Power Nobody

From Oblivion: To die is powered!
as To live is genuine power,
custody of potency speaks…
This is what I have been structured
With, Enough of it, I am yet to advance-
Mine through.
This, No arrival in me, Survival I plead.

I am power yet my wills do rebel
Compelling so much, the things I ought-
They are not, Who do I brag to…
I have done nothing on me,
Power and mine…."Shall Power Nobody"
War for me, War from me,
Fought by me, won by me, am yet defeated…the struggle is within,
Sounds to compel my loins first,
My unwillingness, my wreck and ills.

I am of no use, if I think powerless,
And so weak if I combat for power,
I groom power, i grow power,
I live in power, i have power……..
Power and power shall Power nobody
Than my powerful powers.

© Daniels I Daniels.

Daniel Ikechukwu Comments

Goody 01 October 2021

Nice quotes.

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Daniel Ikechukwu Quotes

Complete trust on humanity is like making ones flesh available to healthy carnivores.

Loving silver can never and will never satisfy man for gold or diamond.

I think man is a vessel that can never run dry of disappointment.

If it can heat, can't it burn?

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