Joan Xie

Joan Xie Poems

You certainly don't need to remember my smile,
often I don't smile, nor do you need
to remember my tears
for I'd never cried in front of people

He glances at me in the mirror
razor-sharped his glance in the back mirror

He who sees me knew the naked me


Water, you flow
with one oxygen two hydrogen
Up, to the peak of my thoughts, the tip
of my tongue, you flow, for the sake of flow,

Come, my child
Lay your weary head on my lap
Let the longing overtake you
As you enter the menopause.

The time will come.
When with sudden revelation,
You will write an apology letter to each of by-gone lovers
At your great moment of epiphany


I text-messaged him
come collect me

He did not come

Moving man refuses to move
my orange tree.

I'm willing to pay more money

Mother is a tree
dark and luminous
when summer arrives
all the birds fly to her, sing to her

I often wonder how to catch a dream,
Sitting Bull knows, Usain Bolt knows, they all seem to know.
High hang the hoops trimmed by smoked leather,
Those flowing feathers, from eagles and crows,

February silence
A dead kind of silence.

In a deserted parking lot, blizzard just passed.

Leaving home in the morning
I walk with the wind.
Tie my tongue to the dawn
For a song is already in the steps.

Leaf Collector's day job is to sit behind a desk.
To calculate.
Like a treadmill calculating heart beats.
Can you calculate the coming days of winter?

It is time.

Time for winds to flutter a flag.
Time for grass to repossess the grassless land.

I was driving the Beetle
while you
on your motorcycle, following me
like a lightning bolt chasing

So as we all know, animals never ask for a direction.

A lion never walks to another lion,
Hey, brother,

The first leaf fell
An accident

A million leaves drift

You brought me this morning
not a bittersweet mocha
but an over roast black.

The process of fooling starts like this:

It pretends to be a void, an utter non-existence
or an intrinsic part of something, such as

To Dear,

dear O dear
I am insomnia

I shall write
this letter a long ago
but my hesitation caught me cold.
several tries

Joan Xie Biography

Joan Xie, poet, translator, attorney, born in Shanghai where she attended Shanghai Jiaotong University, majoring in industrial engineering. She came to the United States in 1988 to study. In 2000, after receiving an MBA and J.D., she established her law practice in New York City, specializing in immigration law. Xie is a prolific writer of poetry and essays, both in English and Chinese, as well as a poem translator from both languages. Her published books include Half-Century Journey 2015 poetry, Looking Back 2016 essay, Nothing Made Me Happier than Finding These Objects 2018 poetry, Thirteen Leaves: The Selected Poems of Contemporary Chinese Poets 2018 translation, Walk with the Wind 2019 essay, The Song of Blackness 2019 poetry, The Selected Poems of Hu Xian 2019 translation, Wall Writing: The Collected Poems of Paul Auster 2019 translation. An award-winner of The 2017 First Moganshan International Poetry Festival and The 2019 VIP Guest Poet of The Third Luzhou Poetry Festival in China, her works are widely collected into various analogies and appear in many literary magazines. She is also serving as deputy editor of " International Poetry Exchanges" now.)

The Best Poem Of Joan Xie

You Don't Need To Remember

You certainly don't need to remember my smile,
often I don't smile, nor do you need
to remember my tears
for I'd never cried in front of people
except two times, each was for trivial matters.
Nor do you need to memorize my verses.
As for those sweet words like love and beloved,
spoken to you after we drank wine and ate olive on the spike,
as for those half-moons I splashed on you,
those second and the fifty dates
we never talked again
and those nights pregnant with aroma and soft glows,
I suggest you forget all.
You may also forget your hidden longing
while you caressed my back,
a key clicking in the lock
and a wooden horse on the chain grabbed by a bed sheet,
and the inevitable complexity of our tortured selves,
and the shared mirror and summer clock
and the vastness above us,
and our move to open the magic box.
You don't need to remember any.
You don't need to remember my name, address, youth, aging
and my date of birth, even my date of death.
For I: — I want you to use all your memory to cherish
one November day, madden with crimson,
we crossed the purpled field, climbed to the hilltop,
my hand was in yours; my head was on your shoulder,
my silence entirely belonged to you —

Joan Xie Comments

Prabir Gayen 16 May 2019

Very talented poet you are.God Bless You...///

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Joan Xie Quotes

Throw a bottle to the sea, then what? Drifting is a purpose, or isn't it? One shall never have an ending in mind when one begins with the first line of verse. On this journey of poetry, wind and sand control our destiny.

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