Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson

Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson Poems

Crash, smash a flying bottle
Enters my back yard at full throttle
I missed the little blighters which is more than a pity
But thats just simple run of the mill when you live in ASBO City

Unaware of the firing motion
The moon reflects in her glazing eyes
Solitary motion distills the summer days
Transparent figures move in the burning sunrise

R.ainbows in the sky reminders of you
A.lways feeling sheltered with the colours shining through

I rose from my pit at a quarter to six
only sleeping three hours I needed a fix (caffeine)
My eyes were all blurry and filled up with matt
As I stumbled downstairs I tripped over the cat

As she dances under the moonlit stars
Feeling the adrenalin rushing through her veins
For now she is alone, but not lonely
She makes her own music as her heart beats in time

I was not searching for answers
Curiosity brought me to you.
But I kept an open mind and my own point of view
Predicaments you told me

Remember the nights we stayed out until dark
The songs we made up while we played in the park

Remember the names that we carved on the trees

As she sits alone on the hillside watching the sunrise
Silence is golden, movement is absent
Upon the grassy fields she sees shadowing darkness
The freshness in the air surrounds her intensely

Colours of the earth

The other night I retired to bed and had a crazy dream
That I was walking on the beach when I heard an awesome scream
Standing right before me was a great brown grizzly bear
wearing a tu-tu and a basque and a ribbon in her hair

When I finally found my soulmate
Oh little did I know
That lots of loving feelings
Would suddenly start to flow

Feeling the serenity that knows all its powers
Unwinding the mazes not knowing what devours
To sprinkle the liquid as each we do walk
Inside is the garden where we meet and talk

Skip through the meadows

I saw you there in desperate need

Because you are you
I can be me
I can say what I want, what I feel
I can wear what I like

Like a twinkle of water
A splashing of rain
A silent moment
Upon us again

Will you dance with me?
Will you set me free?
Will you love me true?
and I'll be there for you.

Part 1- By Pam
A virtual world that led us
To see the lives we lead
I wanted a friend to talk to

Way up high above we see the purity in the sky
A rainbow full of hope after the rain passes by
Shining in the distance red and yellow blue and green
Oh what a beautiful sight, that mankind has ever seen

Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson Biography

Recently single, aged 36 this year. Daughter 17. Wrote poetry on and off for years. Working in a skills centre (voluntary) for people with mental health problems.)

The Best Poem Of Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson

Asbo City-Fun

Crash, smash a flying bottle
Enters my back yard at full throttle
I missed the little blighters which is more than a pity
But thats just simple run of the mill when you live in ASBO City

The party starts at twelve a.m. the music plays til three
I wouldnt really mind so much
But THE WOMBLES aint for me!

Up pulls a local taxi van
Intoxicated youths on board
They've hopped over next doors garden gate
Coz the fare they cant afford

The impatient taxi driver rings on the neighbours bell
Until he finally realises a rat he starts to smell

'Hey mate' he says 'I dont suppose'
'You've nine unruley sons'
'They owe me ten quid taxi fare and have left their bag of guns'

'I'll sue the little buggers if my boss gives me the boot
And what the hell am I meant to do, with their bloody bag of loot'! !

Lisa Cresswell Wilkinson Comments

Jerry Hughes 01 June 2006

I'm astonished there aren't comments on Lisa's poems. She's a talented writer and we're lucky to have her on the P H site. So come on peers, give the lady a well deserved hand. Clap, clap clap...

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Leigh A. Hill 01 June 2006

so glad to be one of the first to comment on Lisa! This wonderful lady has been like a mother to me ever since i came onto the site. Her poems express so much of an inner sweetness! Her daughter danielle is an awesome penpal, and i am so excited to know both of these people. much love, starr

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Lisa you rock, all your poems have meaning with a little laugh to. I love looking at all of your work, never stop writing. Hugs, Rissa: -) P.S., I love your poems, ALL OF THEM!

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David Harris 30 March 2007

Today I accidentally pressed one of Lisa's poem and found myself in a wonderful place. I began to read one and then another and another. Lisa has a wonderful way of bringing colour, harmony and compassion to her poems. Her style is not too dissimilar to my own. If time allowed I could read them all night and day. But to anyone who reads this, Lisa is a great poet who will enrich you with lovely words. I'm glad I accidentally pressed that poem this morning. David

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Andrew Castillo 11 June 2006

I've really enjoyed reading Lisa's poetry. They have such compassion that many poets often lack. Her haikus are masterpieces and should have their own collection. *Andrew*

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Duncan Wyllie 10 June 2006

I am really enjoying Lisa's strong yet innocent approach to life, when it bites she puts a plaster on it, when it hurts she smiles with warmth in her eyes, and when she cries I feel as if I want to cry too. She shows such a wonderful skill and style in her poetry Thankyou Lisa, may the sun shine in your garden of flowers Love Duncan X

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Jolanta Gradowicz 10 June 2006

You are a master haiku writer, Lisa!

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Deanna More 04 June 2006

.. Lisa's personality and bountiful wit are transmitted very well through her poetry which is always a delight to read. Truly special to me is the glimpse of her benevolent nature and dispostion for kind deeds which is so apparent and so notable! Lisa pens verse...with her Heart as her guide. Deanna More

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